
Pediatric Neurology neonatology

Welcome to our neonatology hub, where we delve into the fascinating world of newborn care and infant health. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a concerned parent, or simply curious about the specialized field of neonatal medicine, you've come to the right place.

Our website is dedicated to providing comprehensive information about neonatology, covering a wide range of topics including newborn care essentials, common neonatal conditions, advanced neonatal care, parental support and resources, and the latest research and innovations in the field. Let's get into the details.

Contents have been devided into following sections:

In general neonatology, we cover essential topics such as prenatal assessments, newborn care basics, common neonatal conditions, Nutrition, and maternal conditions affecting newborns, .

In systemic neonatology, we delve into systemic topics including CVS, RS, CNS, GIT, respiratory support, and the latest research and innovations in neonatal medicine. Here, you'll find detailed information on treatments, technological advancements, and specialized care for newborns in critical conditions.

Learning Applications

General Neonatology

Fetus and Assessment

Maternal Condations Affecting Fetus and Newborn

Resuscitation in the Delivery Room

General Newborn Conditions

Preterm Care

Electrolytes and Acid-Base Imbalance

Metabolic Errors


Systemic Neonatology





Renal System


Endocrine System

Special Topics

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