Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome (KTWS)
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the triad of capillary malformations (port-wine stains), soft tissue and bone hypertrophy, and venous/lymphatic malformations.
Key Points
- Prevalence: Approximately 1:100,000 live births
- First described in 1900 by French physicians Klippel and Trenaunay
- No gender or racial predilection
- Usually affects a single limb (85% cases)
- Lower extremities most commonly affected (95%)
Classic Triad
- Capillary Malformations (Port-Wine Stains):
- Present at birth in 98% of cases
- Usually unilateral distribution
- Color varies from pink to dark purple
- May darken and thicken with age
- Often follows dermatomal patterns
- Can involve any body part but commonly affects limbs
- Venous and Lymphatic Malformations:
- Superficial and deep abnormal veins
- Persistent embryonic veins
- Venous anomalies types:
- Marginal vein of Servelle
- Lateral embryonic vein
- Persistent sciatic vein
- Klippel-Trenaunay vein
- Lymphatic manifestations:
- Lymphedema
- Lymphatic vesicles
- Macrocystic lymphatic malformations
- Soft Tissue and Bone Hypertrophy:
- Usually apparent at birth or early childhood
- Progressive growth during childhood
- May cause leg length discrepancy
- Can affect:
- Skeletal system
- Muscles
- Subcutaneous tissues
- Internal organs in affected areas
Associated Features
- Musculoskeletal:
- Scoliosis
- Gait abnormalities
- Joint contractures
- Arthritis
- Hammer toes
- Visceral Involvement:
- Gastrointestinal tract bleeding
- Hematuria
- Rectal bleeding
- Hemorrhoids
Diagnostic Criteria
- Clinical Diagnosis:
- Presence of at least 2 of 3 cardinal features
- Usually diagnosed in infancy or early childhood
- Imaging Studies:
- Extent of soft tissue involvement
- Venous malformation mapping
- Muscle involvement
- Ultrasound:
- Superficial vascular malformations
- Deep venous system assessment
- Blood flow characteristics
- Lymphoscintigraphy:
- Lymphatic system evaluation
- Lymphedema assessment
- Arteriography:
- Rarely needed
- Used when arterial involvement suspected
Genetic Basis
- Molecular Genetics:
- PIK3CA gene mutations identified in affected tissues
- Part of the PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS)
- Somatic mutations - post-zygotic
- Mosaic pattern of mutation distribution
- Inheritance Pattern:
- Typically sporadic occurrence
- No increased familial risk
- Rare familial cases reported
Treatment Approaches
- Conservative Management:
- Compression therapy
- Graduated compression garments
- Pneumatic compression devices
- Regular monitoring for skin breakdown
- Physical therapy
- Range of motion exercises
- Gait training
- Muscle strengthening
- Pain management
- Psychological support
- Compression therapy
- Interventional Procedures:
- Sclerotherapy:
- For venous malformations
- Multiple sessions often required
- Careful patient selection essential
- Laser Therapy:
- For port-wine stains
- Pulsed dye laser most common
- Early treatment recommended
- Surgical Interventions:
- Debulking procedures
- Epiphysiodesis for leg length discrepancy
- Vein stripping
- Amputation (rare, severe cases)
- Sclerotherapy:
- Novel Therapies:
- PIK3CA inhibitors (investigational)
- Targeted molecular therapy
- Antiangiogenic agents
Potential Complications
- Vascular Complications:
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Chronic venous insufficiency
- Hemorrhage
- Orthopedic Issues:
- Progressive limb length discrepancy
- Angular deformities
- Pathological fractures
- Degenerative joint disease
- Psychological Impact:
- Body image concerns
- Social adjustment issues
- Depression and anxiety
- Quality of Life Issues:
- Chronic pain
- Limited mobility
- Recurrent infections
- School/work adaptations needed
Related Conditions
- Parkes Weber Syndrome:
- Includes arteriovenous malformations
- High-flow vascular malformations
- More aggressive clinical course
- PROS Spectrum Disorders:
- CLOVES syndrome
- Megalencephaly-capillary malformation syndrome
- Isolated lymphatic malformation
- Other Vascular Anomalies:
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- Proteus syndrome
- Maffucci syndrome