Congenital Anomalies of the Eye
Congenital eye anomalies encompass a diverse group of developmental abnormalities affecting various parts of the eye and visual system, present at birth or manifesting early in life.
Key Points:
- Affects approximately 2-3 per 1000 live births
- Major cause of childhood visual impairment
- Often associated with systemic conditions
- Early detection crucial for optimal outcomes
- Genetic counseling often necessary
Anterior Segment Anomalies
1. Corneal Anomalies:
- Microcornea
- Corneal diameter < 10mm
- Often associated with microphthalmos
- Megalocornea
- Corneal diameter > 12mm
- X-linked inheritance common
- Developmental Anomalies
- Peters anomaly
- Sclerocornea
- Dermoid
2. Anterior Chamber Anomalies:
- Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome
- Posterior embryotoxon
- Iris hypoplasia
- Glaucoma risk
- Primary Congenital Glaucoma
- Elevated IOP
- Buphthalmos
- Haab's striae
3. Iris Anomalies:
- Aniridia
- PAX6 mutations
- Associated with Wilms tumor
- Coloboma
- Inferior defect
- Can affect multiple structures
Posterior Segment Anomalies
1. Retinal Anomalies:
- Retinal Dysplasia
- Abnormal retinal development
- Often associated with systemic conditions
- Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
- Abnormal vessel development
- Variable expressivity
- Retinoblastoma
- Most common primary intraocular malignancy
- Hereditary and sporadic forms
2. Optic Nerve Anomalies:
- Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
- Small optic disc
- Associated with septo-optic dysplasia
- Morning Glory Syndrome
- Funnel-shaped disc
- Associated with basal encephalocele
- Optic Pit
- Risk of serous retinal detachment
- Usually unilateral
Orbital Anomalies
1. Globe Size Anomalies:
- Microphthalmos
- Axial length < 21mm
- Simple vs complex
- Associated with systemic syndromes
- Anophthalmos
- Complete absence of globe
- Primary vs secondary
2. Orbital Position Anomalies:
- Hypertelorism
- Increased interpupillary distance
- Associated with craniofacial syndromes
- Hypotelorism
- Decreased interpupillary distance
- Often seen in holoprosencephaly
Systemic Associations
1. Chromosomal Disorders:
- Trisomy 13
- Microphthalmos
- Coloboma
- Retinal dysplasia
- Trisomy 21
- Brushfield spots
- Keratoconus
- Strabismus
2. Genetic Syndromes:
- CHARGE Syndrome
- Coloboma
- Heart defects
- Multiple systemic anomalies
- Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Port-wine stain
- Glaucoma
- Choroidal hemangioma
Management Principles
Initial Evaluation:
- Comprehensive eye examination
- Visual acuity assessment
- Systemic evaluation
- Genetic testing when indicated
- Family screening
Treatment Strategies:
- Visual Rehabilitation
- Refractive correction
- Amblyopia therapy
- Low vision aids
- Surgical Management
- Timing crucial
- Condition-specific approach
- Regular follow-up
Long-term Care:
- Regular monitoring
- Early intervention services
- Psychosocial support
- Educational planning
- Family counseling