Pediatric Barium Studies: Radiological Findings Guide
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Conditions
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Spontaneous reflux of contrast into esophagus
- Delayed clearance of refluxed material
- Thickened esophageal folds
- Possible hiatal hernia
- Height of reflux column and frequency are important metrics
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Contrast material entering tracheobronchial tree
- Blind-ending esophageal pouch (in type C)
- Coiling of nasogastric tube in upper pouch
- Air in stomach (in most common type)
- Requires immediate cessation of study if aspiration occurs
- Bird-beak appearance of distal esophagus
- Dilated esophagus above stricture
- Delayed emptying of barium
- Absence of primary peristalsis
- Minimal LES relaxation
Pyloric Stenosis
- Elongated pyloric channel ("string sign")
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Enlarged stomach with peristaltic waves
- "Shoulder sign" on fluoroscopy
- Double track sign
Duodenal Atresia
- "Double bubble" sign
- Complete obstruction to passage of contrast
- Dilated proximal duodenum
- Absence of distal bowel gas
- Usually diagnosed on plain radiograph
Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Conditions
Hirschsprung's Disease
- Transition zone between dilated and narrowed bowel
- Irregular contraction of affected segment
- Delayed evacuation (>24 hours)
- Saw-tooth appearance in longer segments
- Possible microcolon in total colonic involvement
- Abnormal position of duodenojejunal flexure
- Corkscrew appearance of small bowel
- "Bird's beak" sign in volvulus
- Spiraling of mesenteric vessels
- May require urgent surgical intervention
- Filling defect with "coiled spring" appearance
- Meniscus sign
- Claw sign
- Complete obstruction in advanced cases
- Possible leading point identification
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- String sign (in Crohn's)
- Cobblestone mucosa
- Skip lesions (in Crohn's)
- Thumb printing (in ulcerative colitis)
- Loss of haustra
Meckel's Diverticulum
- Contrast-filled outpouching from ileum
- Usually on antimesenteric border
- May show ulceration
- Variable size and shape
- Possible connection to umbilicus
Congenital Anomalies
Esophageal Atresia
- Blind-ending proximal pouch
- Coiling of nasogastric tube
- Absence of distal gas (in pure atresia)
- H-type fistula demonstration
- Limited contrast use recommended
Intestinal Atresia
- Dilated proximal bowel
- Microcolon distally
- Complete cutoff sign
- Multiple dilated loops in multiple atresias
- Possible associated anomalies
Cloacal Malformation
- Common channel visualization
- Abnormal communication between systems
- Hydrocolpos may be present
- Vesicoureteral reflux
- Complex anatomy requiring detailed imaging
Duodenal Web
- "Windsock" deformity
- Partial obstruction pattern
- Dilated proximal duodenum
- Small central aperture
- Delayed passage of contrast
Annular Pancreas
- Circumferential narrowing of duodenum
- Double bubble appearance
- Complete or partial obstruction
- Possible associated anomalies
- Delayed gastric emptying
Functional Disorders
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Retained gastric contents
- Dilated stomach
- Poor peristaltic activity
- 4-hour retention of contrast
Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction
- Dilated bowel loops
- Decreased or absent peristalsis
- Air-fluid levels
- No mechanical obstruction
- Slow transit time
Functional Constipation
- Rectal fecal retention
- Dilated rectum and sigmoid
- Delayed transit time
- Normal caliber proximal colon
- No transition zone
Post-Surgical Findings
- Wrap configuration
- Gastric emptying pattern
- Possible herniation
- Tight wrap appearance
- Resolution of reflux
Post-Duodenal Atresia Repair
- Anastomotic patency
- Residual dilatation
- Transit time
- Possible stricture
- Delayed gastric emptying
Post-Pull-through for Hirschsprung's
- Anastomotic integrity
- Caliber change
- Evacuation efficiency
- Possible stricture
- Rectal reservoir size
Inflammatory and Infectious Conditions
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- Ring-like indentations
- Linear furrows
- Small-caliber esophagus
- Mucosal irregularity
- Possible strictures
Tuberculosis Enteritis
- Ileocecal involvement
- Contracted cecum
- String sign
- Ulceration pattern
- Possible fistulation
Appendicitis (if barium needed)
- Non-filling of appendix
- Mass effect
- Cecal wall edema
- Terminal ileum compression
- Not primary diagnostic tool
Motility Disorders
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
- Corkscrew or rosary bead appearance
- Simultaneous contractions
- Tertiary contractions
- Normal LES relaxation
- Intermittent nature of findings
- Smooth, dilated esophagus
- Decreased peristalsis
- Wide-caliber lumen
- Poor LES tone
- Patulous esophagus
Colonic Dysmotility
- Altered transit time
- Segmental dilatation
- Irregular contraction patterns
- Retained contrast material
- Variable haustral pattern
Neoplastic Conditions
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST)
- Submucosal filling defect
- Smooth borders
- Possible ulceration
- Endoluminal or exophytic growth
- Variable size and location
- Multiple filling defects
- Luminal narrowing
- Mucosal nodularity
- Possible mass effect
- Segmental involvement
Carcinoid Tumors
- Small filling defects
- Kinking of bowel
- Tethering of mucosa
- Possible desmoplastic reaction
- Often in terminal ileum
Vascular Anomalies
Portal Hypertension Effects
- Esophageal varices
- Nodular mucosal pattern
- Serpentine filling defects
- Gastric varices
- Prominent mucosal folds
Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome
- Extrinsic compression of duodenum
- Post-stenotic dilatation
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Variable obstruction with positioning
- Possible associated vascular findings
Traumatic Conditions
Post-Caustic Ingestion
- Irregular mucosal pattern
- Stricture formation
- Scarring and webbing
- Modified emptying time
- Careful contrast administration needed
Foreign Body Related Changes
- Filling defects
- Possible perforation
- Mucosal erosion
- Stricture formation
- Associated inflammatory changes
Anatomical Variants
Intestinal Malrotation Variants
- Non-rotation
- Reversed rotation
- Mixed rotation
- Abnormal mesenteric attachment
- Variable small bowel position
Duplication Cysts
- Mass effect on bowel
- Communication with lumen
- Smooth filling defect
- Possible associated anomalies
- Variable location along GI tract
Heterotopic Pancreas
- Submucosal filling defect
- Central umbilication
- Usually in antrum or duodenum
- Preserved mucosal pattern
- May show ductal pattern
Post-Inflammatory Conditions
Post-NEC Changes
- Stricture formation
- Irregular bowel contour
- Possible perforation sites
- Altered motility
- Variable bowel caliber
Post-Radiation Changes
- Rigid bowel loops
- Reduced bowel mobility
- Mucosal pattern changes
- Possible strictures
- Altered transit time
Metabolic and Systemic Conditions
Cystic Fibrosis GI Manifestations
- DIOS pattern
- Thick intestinal contents
- Delayed transit
- Possible intussusception
- Meconium ileus in neonates
Immunodeficiency Related Changes
- Multiple ulcerations
- Irregular mucosal pattern
- Possible infections
- Lymphoid hyperplasia
- Variable bowel wall thickness
Complex Structural Abnormalities
VACTERL Association GI Findings
- Esophageal atresia patterns
- Duodenal malrotation
- Possible anal atresia
- Associated vertebral shadows
- Multiple system involvement
Prune Belly Syndrome
- Malrotation patterns
- Dilated bowel loops
- Poor bowel fixation
- Abnormal bowel position
- Associated urological findings
CHARGE Syndrome GI Manifestations
- Tracheoesophageal anomalies
- Swallowing dysfunction
- Possible choanal atresia effects
- Gastroesophageal reflux patterns
- Aspiration risk signs
Rare Gastrointestinal Conditions
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome
- Multiple filling defects
- Venous malformations
- Variable size lesions
- Possible compression effects
- Throughout GI tract
Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome
- Multiple polyps
- Mucosal edema
- Protein-losing pattern
- Altered mucosal folds
- Diffuse involvement
Intestinal Lymphangiectasia
- Thickened mucosal folds
- Nodular filling defects
- Small bowel dilation
- Delayed transit
- Possible protein loss pattern
Post-Transplant Findings
Post-Small Bowel Transplant
- Anastomotic configuration
- Mucosal pattern changes
- Transit time alterations
- Possible rejection signs
- Bowel wall thickness changes
Post-Liver Transplant GI Changes
- Portal hypertension resolution
- Varices changes
- Bowel motility patterns
- Possible biliary complications
- Vascular anastomosis effects
Neurodevelopmental Condition Effects
Cerebral Palsy GI Manifestations
- Swallowing dysfunction pattern
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Reflux findings
- Aspiration risk signs
- Altered colonic transit
Muscular Dystrophy GI Effects
- Dysphagia patterns
- Delayed emptying
- Possible gastroparesis
- Altered peristalsis
- Risk of aspiration signs
Autonomic Dysfunction
- Variable motility patterns
- Gastroparesis findings
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
- Altered sphincter function
- Transit time variations
Parasitic Conditions
- Linear filling defects
- Multiple worm shadows
- Possible obstruction
- Bowel wall edema
- Migration tracks
- Colonic wall thickening
- Polypoid lesions
- Sandy mucosal pattern
- Possible strictures
- Portal hypertension effects
Metabolic Storage Diseases
Glycogen Storage Disease
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Hepatomegaly effect
- Altered bowel position
- Possible compression
- Modified transit patterns
- Fine mucosal granularity
- Bowel wall thickening
- Motility disorders
- Possible strictures
- Small bowel dilatation
Emergency Conditions
Midgut Volvulus
- Corkscrew appearance
- Bird beak sign
- Complete obstruction
- Abnormal SMA relationship
- Surgical emergency
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Pneumatosis intestinalis
- Fixed dilated loops
- Portal venous gas
- Possible perforation
- Contrast study contraindicated in acute phase
Toxic Megacolon
- Massive colonic dilatation
- Loss of haustration
- Mucosal islands
- Possible perforation
- Contrast study usually contraindicated
Connective Tissue Disorders
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Intestinal diverticula
- Spontaneous perforation sites
- Altered bowel mobility
- Possible hiatal hernia
- Abnormal bowel positioning
Marfan Syndrome
- Increased bowel length
- Redundant loops
- Possible intestinal dilatation
- Abnormal fixation
- Modified transit patterns
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Colonic redundancy
- Possible herniation
- Altered bowel position
- Vertebral compression effects
- Transit time variations
Immunological Disorders
Common Variable Immunodeficiency
- Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
- Small bowel fold thickening
- Possible strictures
- Infection patterns
- Malabsorption signs
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
- Inflammatory strictures
- Skip lesions
- Possible fistula formation
- Bowel wall thickening
- Granuloma-related findings
IgA Deficiency
- Mucosal fold patterns
- Possible celiac-like changes
- Infection susceptibility signs
- Transit alterations
- Variable absorption patterns
Endocrine System Effects
Diabetic Gastropathy
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Altered peristalsis
- Possible bezoar formation
- Retained food residue
- Modified transit time
Thyroid Disease Effects
- Hyper/hypo motility patterns
- Transit time changes
- Possible megacolon
- Esophageal mobility changes
- Absorption pattern variations
Addison's Disease
- Hypomotility patterns
- Possible mucosal atrophy
- Delayed emptying
- Altered absorption
- Transit time changes
Nutritional Disorders
Severe Malnutrition
- Mucosal atrophy
- Decreased fold pattern
- Transit time alterations
- Small bowel dilatation
- Possible bacterial overgrowth signs
Vitamin D Deficiency
- Osteomalacia effects
- Possible compression
- Modified bowel position
- Transit variations
- Absorption pattern changes
Zinc Deficiency
- Mucosal pattern changes
- Altered absorption
- Modified motility
- Possible inflammation signs
- Transit time variations
Complex Surgical Conditions
Post-Gastric Pull-up
- New anatomical configuration
- Anastomotic appearance
- Transit patterns
- Possible stricture formation
- Aspiration risk signs
Post-Colonic Interposition
- Graft position
- Peristaltic patterns
- Anastomotic integrity
- Transit function
- Possible redundancy
Post-Intestinal Lengthening
- STEP procedure patterns
- Bianchi procedure findings
- Transit time changes
- Absorption capacity signs
- Motility patterns
Rare Metabolic Conditions
Mitochondrial Disease GI Effects
- Pseudo-obstruction patterns
- Motility disorders
- Variable transit time
- Possible megacolon
- Absorption variations
Lipid Storage Diseases
- Organomegaly effects
- Bowel wall thickening
- Modified transit
- Compression patterns
- Absorption changes
Microvillus Inclusion Disease
- Dilated bowel loops
- Fluid level patterns
- Altered mucosal relief
- Transit variations
- Secretory pattern
Chromosomal Disorders
Down Syndrome GI Manifestations
- Duodenal stenosis pattern
- Hirschsprung's association
- Possible atlantoaxial instability effects
- Celiac disease patterns
- Modified transit times
Williams Syndrome
- Possible arterial compression
- Gastric emptying variations
- Altered bowel position
- Cardiovascular effects on GI tract
- Transit pattern changes
Turner Syndrome
- Possible intestinal telangiectasia
- Inflammatory bowel patterns
- Celiac disease association
- Modified bowel position
- Cardiovascular effects on GI tract
Neurocutaneous Syndromes
- Gastrointestinal neurofibromas
- Filling defects
- Possible compression effects
- Mucosal pattern changes
- Variable bowel caliber
Tuberous Sclerosis
- Hamartomatous polyps
- Multiple filling defects
- Possible mass effect
- Modified transit patterns
- Variable bowel involvement
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Possible GI tract angiomas
- Venous malformations
- Variable filling defects
- Modified mucosal pattern
- Transit variations
Bone Marrow Transplant Effects
Acute GVHD
- Mucosal edema
- Luminal narrowing
- Altered fold pattern
- Modified transit time
- Possible ulceration signs
Chronic GVHD
- Esophageal webs
- Stricture formation
- Scleroderma-like pattern
- Modified motility
- Absorption changes
Post-VOD Changes
- Portal hypertension effects
- Bowel wall edema
- Modified transit
- Possible ascites effect
- Varices patterns
Radiation Effects
Acute Radiation Enteritis
- Mucosal edema
- Fold thickening
- Luminal narrowing
- Hypomotility
- Transit delay
Chronic Radiation Effects
- Stricture formation
- Fixed loops
- Mucosal atrophy
- Altered peristalsis
- Possible fistulation
Radiation-Induced Dysmotility
- Variable transit times
- Altered peristaltic waves
- Modified bowel tone
- Segmental effects
- Absorption changes
Iatrogenic Conditions
Post-Chemotherapy Changes
- Mucositis pattern
- Altered motility
- Modified absorption
- Possible ulceration
- Transit variations
Medication-Induced Changes
- NSAID-induced strictures
- Potassium pill effects
- Iron pill related changes
- Bisphosphonate patterns
- Modified transit times
Post-Ablation Effects
- Stricture formation
- Wall irregularity
- Modified motility
- Possible perforation
- Healing pattern changes
Rare Infectious Complications
CMV Enteritis
- Mucosal ulceration
- Wall thickening
- Possible strictures
- Modified transit
- Absorption changes
Fungal Infections
- Candida esophagitis pattern
- Aspergillus involvement
- Mucormycosis effects
- Transit modifications
- Possible perforation
Mycobacterial Infections
- Ileocecal involvement
- Stricture formation
- Fistula patterns
- Modified transit
- Lymphadenopathy effects
Note: Many of these conditions require correlation with clinical findings, laboratory results, and other imaging modalities for accurate diagnosis. Some findings may be subtle or variable depending on disease stage and treatment status.
Note: This guide is for educational purposes and should be used in conjunction with clinical findings and other imaging modalities. Radiation protection principles should always be followed, especially in pediatric patients.