Energy Requirement Calculator in Children

Energy Requirement Calculator

Energy Requirement Calculator

Physical Activity Coefficient
  • PA indicates the physical activity coefficient:
  • For boys:
    • PA = 1.00 (sedentary, estimated physical activity level 1.0-1.4)
    • PA = 1.13 (low active, estimated physical activity level 1.4-1.6)
    • PA = 1.26 (active, estimated physical activity level 1.6-1.9)
    • PA = 1.42 (very active, estimated physical activity level 1.9-2.5)
  • For girls:
    • PA = 1.00 (sedentary, estimated physical activity level 1.0-1.4)
    • PA = 1.16 (low active, estimated physical activity level 1.4-1.6)
    • PA = 1.31 (active, estimated physical activity level 1.6-1.9)
    • PA = 1.56 (very active, estimated physical activity level 1.9-2.5)
  • Adapted from Kleinman RE, editor: Pediatric nutrition handbook, ed 7, Elk Grove Village, IL, 2013, American Academy of Pediatrics.
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