Developmental Assessment App
Date of Birth:
Age (in months):
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor
Newborn: Limited head control, turns head side to side
3 months: Raises head and chest while lying on stomach
6 months: Rolls over in both directions, begins to sit without
9 months: Crawls, pulls to stand
12 months: Walks holding onto furniture, may take a few steps
without holding on
2 years: Walks independently, begins to run, kicks a
3 years: Climbs well, pedals a tricycle
5 years: Hops and stands on one foot, skips
7 years: Balances on one foot for 10 seconds, rides a
10 years: Jumps rope, participates in organized sports
Fine Motor
Communication and Language
Newborn: Cries to express needs, responds to sounds
3 months: Coos, smiles in response to others
6 months: Babbles, responds to own name
9 months: Understands "no," says "mama" and "dada"
12 months: Says one or two words, uses simple gestures
2 years: Uses simple sentences, knows about 50 words
3 years: Speaks in sentences of 3-4 words, follows 2-3 step
5 years: Tells simple stories, uses future tense
7 years: Reads simple sentences, follows complex
10 years: Engages in complex conversations, writes short
Newborn: Follows moving objects with eyes, prefers human
3 months: Recognizes familiar people, follows moving objects
6 months: Explores with hands and mouth, tries to get objects
that are out of reach
9 months: Plays peek-a-boo, looks for things they see you
12 months: Explores objects in different ways (shaking,
banging, throwing)
2 years: Begins to sort shapes and colors, follows two-step
3 years: Plays make-believe, works with toys with buttons,
levers, and moving parts
5 years: Counts to 10, understands the concept of time
7 years: Solves simple math problems, understands the
difference between fantasy and reality
10 years: Understands abstract concepts, plans and organizes
tasks independently
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The notes provided on Pediatime are generated from online resources and AI sources and have been carefully checked for accuracy. However, these notes are not intended to replace standard textbooks. They are designed to serve as a quick review and revision tool for medical students and professionals, and to aid in theory exam preparation. For comprehensive learning, please refer to recommended textbooks and guidelines.
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