Leronlimab and Its Use in Pediatrics


Leronlimab (PRO 140) is a humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody that acts as a C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) antagonist. Initially developed for the treatment of HIV infection, leronlimab has shown potential in various other therapeutic areas, including oncology and inflammatory conditions. This clinical note aims to provide pediatricians with a comprehensive overview of leronlimab, its mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, and its emerging role in pediatric medicine.

Mechanism of Action

Leronlimab's primary mechanism of action involves the selective binding and blocking of CCR5, a co-receptor used by HIV for cellular entry. CCR5 is expressed on various cell types, including T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. By occupying the CCR5 receptor, leronlimab prevents the interaction between the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120 and CCR5, effectively inhibiting HIV entry into target cells.

The blockade of CCR5 by leronlimab also has implications beyond HIV treatment. CCR5 plays a role in various physiological and pathological processes, including:

  • Immune cell trafficking and inflammation
  • Cancer metastasis
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Cardiovascular disease

This broad spectrum of activity has led to investigations into leronlimab's potential therapeutic applications in multiple areas of medicine, including pediatrics.

Pharmacokinetics in Pediatric Populations

Understanding the pharmacokinetics of leronlimab in pediatric populations is crucial for its safe and effective use. While data specific to children are limited, extrapolations from adult studies and ongoing pediatric trials provide some insights:

Absorption and Distribution

Leronlimab is typically administered subcutaneously, with studies in adults showing high bioavailability (>80%). The drug exhibits linear pharmacokinetics over a wide dose range. In pediatric patients, factors such as body weight, body composition, and developmental stage may influence the absorption and distribution of leronlimab. Dosing strategies in children often employ weight-based calculations to account for these differences.

Metabolism and Elimination

As a monoclonal antibody, leronlimab is not metabolized by hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Instead, it undergoes proteolytic degradation throughout the body, similar to endogenous IgG antibodies. The elimination half-life of leronlimab in adults is approximately 10-12 days. Pediatric studies are needed to determine if this half-life differs significantly in children, particularly in different age groups (neonates, infants, children, and adolescents).

Dosing Considerations in Pediatrics

Current pediatric dosing regimens for leronlimab are largely based on extrapolations from adult data and ongoing clinical trials. Typical dosing strategies include:

  • Weight-based dosing: e.g., 350 mg for patients weighing ≥35 kg, with proportional dose reductions for lower weights
  • Fixed dosing for adolescents who meet adult weight criteria
  • Dose adjustments based on clinical response and tolerability

It is essential to note that optimal dosing strategies in pediatrics may evolve as more data become available from ongoing and future clinical trials.

Clinical Applications in Pediatrics

HIV Infection

The primary indication for leronlimab in pediatrics is the treatment of HIV infection. CCR5-tropic HIV is the predominant strain in pediatric infections, making CCR5 antagonists like leronlimab particularly relevant in this population. Potential benefits of leronlimab in pediatric HIV treatment include:

  • Reduced pill burden and improved adherence due to less frequent dosing
  • Potential for fewer drug-drug interactions compared to some antiretroviral agents
  • Possible immunomodulatory effects beyond viral suppression

Clinical trials investigating leronlimab in pediatric HIV patients are ongoing, with preliminary data suggesting good tolerability and efficacy. However, long-term safety and efficacy data in children are still needed.

Pediatric Oncology

The role of CCR5 in cancer progression and metastasis has led to investigations of leronlimab in pediatric oncology. Potential applications include:

  • Treatment of CCR5-expressing pediatric tumors, such as certain types of leukemia and lymphoma
  • Adjunctive therapy to reduce metastasis in solid tumors
  • Modulation of the tumor microenvironment to enhance immunotherapy responses

Preclinical studies and early-phase clinical trials are exploring these potential applications, but more research is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of leronlimab in pediatric oncology.

Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions

The anti-inflammatory properties of leronlimab have prompted investigations into its use in pediatric inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Potential areas of application include:

  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Kawasaki disease

While research in these areas is still in early stages for pediatric populations, the potential for leronlimab to offer a novel therapeutic approach in managing these challenging conditions is of significant interest to pediatricians.

COVID-19 and Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the potential use of leronlimab in treating severe COVID-19 and its complications. Of particular interest to pediatricians is the potential role of leronlimab in managing Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), a rare but serious complication associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The rationale for using leronlimab in MIS-C includes:

  • Modulation of the cytokine storm often observed in severe cases
  • Potential reduction in inflammatory organ damage
  • Possible antiviral effects in cases with persistent viral presence

While clinical data in pediatric COVID-19 and MIS-C are limited, case reports and ongoing trials are exploring the safety and efficacy of leronlimab in these conditions.

Safety Considerations in Pediatric Use

Ensuring the safety of leronlimab in pediatric populations is paramount. While the overall safety profile appears favorable based on adult studies and limited pediatric data, several considerations are important for pediatricians:

Common Adverse Effects

The most commonly reported adverse effects of leronlimab in clinical trials include:

  • Injection site reactions (e.g., pain, erythema, swelling)
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue

These effects are generally mild to moderate in severity and often self-limiting. However, their impact on pediatric patients, especially younger children, may differ from adults and requires careful monitoring.


As with all biologic agents, there is a potential for immunogenicity with leronlimab. The development of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) could affect both efficacy and safety. Pediatric-specific data on immunogenicity are limited, and long-term studies are needed to assess this risk in children, particularly given their developing immune systems.

Long-term Safety

The long-term safety of leronlimab in pediatric populations remains an area of active investigation. Key areas of focus include:

  • Effects on growth and development
  • Potential impacts on the maturing immune system
  • Long-term cardiovascular and metabolic effects
  • Interactions with vaccines and impact on vaccine responses

Ongoing surveillance and long-term follow-up studies are essential to fully characterize the safety profile of leronlimab in pediatric patients.

Special Populations

Particular attention should be given to the use of leronlimab in special pediatric populations, including:

  • Neonates and infants
  • Children with hepatic or renal impairment
  • Patients with pre-existing immunodeficiencies
  • Children receiving concomitant immunosuppressive therapies

Limited data are available for these populations, and individualized risk-benefit assessments are crucial when considering leronlimab therapy.

Drug Interactions and Considerations

While leronlimab has a favorable drug interaction profile compared to many small-molecule drugs, several considerations are important for pediatricians:

Antiretroviral Therapy

In HIV treatment, leronlimab is typically used in combination with other antiretroviral agents. While significant pharmacokinetic interactions are not expected, monitoring for potential additive toxicities or unexpected interactions is prudent, especially in pediatric patients who may be more sensitive to drug effects.

Immunomodulatory Agents

When used in inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, leronlimab may be combined with other immunomodulatory drugs. The potential for additive immunosuppression should be considered, particularly in children who may be at higher risk for infections.

Cytochrome P450 Substrates

Unlike many small-molecule drugs, leronlimab is not expected to interact significantly with cytochrome P450 enzymes. This property may be advantageous in pediatric patients receiving multiple medications, but clinicians should remain vigilant for unexpected interactions.

Monitoring and Follow-up

Appropriate monitoring is crucial when using leronlimab in pediatric patients. Key aspects of monitoring include:

Efficacy Monitoring

  • HIV treatment: Regular viral load assessments, CD4+ T cell counts, and clinical evaluations
  • Oncology applications: Tumor response assessments, metastasis monitoring
  • Inflammatory conditions: Disease-specific activity scores, inflammatory markers

Safety Monitoring

  • Regular physical examinations and growth assessments
  • Monitoring of injection site reactions
  • Periodic laboratory evaluations (e.g., complete blood count, liver function tests, renal function)
  • Immunogenicity testing when clinically indicated
  • Age-appropriate neurodevelopmental assessments

Long-term Follow-up

Given the novelty of leronlimab in pediatric medicine, long-term follow-up is essential. This may include:

  • Regular assessments of growth and development
  • Monitoring for potential late-onset adverse effects
  • Evaluation of long-term efficacy in chronic conditions
  • Assessment of impact on reproductive health as patients mature

Future Directions and Research Needs

The field of leronlimab research in pediatrics is rapidly evolving. Several areas require further investigation to optimize its use in children:

Pharmacokinetic Studies

Dedicated pharmacokinetic studies across different pediatric age groups are needed to refine dosing strategies and understand age-related differences in drug handling.

Expanded Clinical Trials

Larger, well-designed clinical trials in pediatric populations are essential to establish efficacy and safety across various indications. These trials should include long-term follow-up to assess developmental impacts and late-onset effects.

Biomarker Development

Identification and validation of biomarkers predictive of response to leronlimab in different pediatric conditions could help optimize patient selection and treatment strategies.

Combination Therapies

Studies exploring the optimal use of leronlimab in combination with other therapies in pediatric patients are needed, particularly in oncology and inflammatory conditions.

Novel Indications

Preclinical research suggesting broader applications of CCR5 antagonism may lead to investigations of leronlimab in other pediatric conditions, such as neurodevelopmental disorders or rare genetic diseases.

Practical Considerations for Pediatricians

When considering leronlimab for pediatric patients, clinicians should keep in mind several practical aspects:

Patient Selection

Careful patient selection is crucial. Consider factors such as:

  • Disease severity and progression
  • Previous treatment history and response
  • Potential for adherence to the treatment regimen
  • Presence of comorbidities or contraindications

Patient and Family Education

Comprehensive education of patients and their families is essential. This should include:

  • Information on the mechanism of action and expected benefits
  • Potential side effects and how to manage them
  • Importance of adherence to the dosing schedule
  • Proper injection technique for subcutaneous administration
  • Follow-up requirements and monitoring plan

Multidisciplinary Approach

A multidisciplinary approach is often beneficial when using novel therapies like leronlimab in pediatrics. This may involve collaboration with:

  • Pediatric subspecialists (e.g., infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, oncologists)
  • Clinical pharmacists
  • Nurse educators
  • Mental health professionals
  • Social workers to address broader aspects of care

Regulatory and Access Considerations

Pediatricians should be aware of the regulatory status of leronlimab in their region and any special access programs or clinical trials that may be available for pediatric patients. Engagement with hospital formulary committees and payers may be necessary to ensure access to the medication when clinically indicated.

Cost Considerations

As with many novel biologic therapies, the cost of leronlimab treatment can be substantial. Pediatricians should be prepared to:

  • Discuss cost implications with families and payers
  • Explore potential financial assistance programs or clinical trial opportunities
  • Consider cost-effectiveness in the context of potential benefits and alternative treatments
  • Work with hospital administration and pharmacy services to ensure availability when clinically necessary

Emerging Research and Future Prospects

The field of leronlimab research in pediatrics is dynamic, with new findings continuously shaping our understanding of its potential applications. Several areas of ongoing and future research are particularly relevant for pediatricians:

Neuroprotection and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Recent preclinical studies have suggested a potential neuroprotective role for CCR5 antagonism. This has led to interest in exploring leronlimab's potential in pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders and acquired brain injuries. Areas of investigation include:

  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Stroke and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in neonates

While these applications are still in early stages of research, they represent an exciting frontier in pediatric neurology and developmental medicine.

Immunomodulation in Pediatric Transplantation

The immunomodulatory effects of leronlimab have sparked interest in its potential use in pediatric transplantation medicine. Ongoing research is exploring its role in:

  • Prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Reduction of rejection in solid organ transplantation
  • Modulation of the inflammatory response in transplant-associated complications

These applications could potentially offer new options for improving outcomes in pediatric transplant recipients.

Precision Medicine Approaches

As our understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of diseases improves, there is growing interest in precision medicine approaches using leronlimab. Areas of focus include:

  • Genetic profiling to identify patients most likely to benefit from CCR5 antagonism
  • Development of companion diagnostics to guide leronlimab therapy
  • Integration of pharmacogenomic data to optimize dosing and predict response

These approaches hold the promise of maximizing efficacy while minimizing unnecessary exposure in pediatric patients.

Novel Formulations and Delivery Methods

Research into new formulations and delivery methods for leronlimab is ongoing, with potential benefits for pediatric patients. Areas of investigation include:

  • Long-acting formulations to reduce dosing frequency and improve adherence
  • Alternative routes of administration (e.g., intranasal, inhalation) for specific indications
  • Targeted delivery systems to enhance local effects and reduce systemic exposure

These innovations could significantly improve the practicality and acceptability of leronlimab therapy in children.

Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Leronlimab Use

The use of novel therapies like leronlimab in pediatric populations raises important ethical considerations that pediatricians must navigate:

Informed Consent and Assent

Obtaining informed consent from parents or guardians, and assent from children when appropriate, is crucial. This process should involve:

  • Clear communication of known benefits and risks
  • Acknowledgment of uncertainties and gaps in long-term data
  • Age-appropriate explanations for children to facilitate their involvement in decision-making
  • Ongoing dialogue throughout the treatment course

Off-Label Use

In many cases, the use of leronlimab in pediatrics may be off-label. Pediatricians should:

  • Carefully weigh the potential benefits against risks
  • Document the rationale for off-label use
  • Engage in shared decision-making with families
  • Consider seeking ethics committee consultation for complex cases

Equity and Access

Issues of equity and access are particularly pertinent in pediatric medicine. Considerations include:

  • Ensuring fair access to leronlimab across different socioeconomic groups
  • Addressing potential disparities in clinical trial participation
  • Balancing individual patient needs with broader public health considerations

The Role of Pediatricians in Advancing Leronlimab Research

Pediatricians play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of leronlimab in children. Key contributions can include:

Clinical Trial Participation

  • Identifying and referring eligible patients for clinical trials
  • Participating as investigators in multicenter studies
  • Providing feedback on trial designs to ensure relevance to pediatric populations

Data Collection and Sharing

  • Meticulous documentation of outcomes and adverse events
  • Participation in post-marketing surveillance programs
  • Contributing to pediatric-specific registries and databases

Education and Advocacy

  • Educating colleagues and trainees about the potential applications of leronlimab
  • Advocating for pediatric-specific research and funding
  • Engaging with regulatory bodies to ensure pediatric interests are represented

Integrating Leronlimab into Pediatric Practice

As research progresses and clinical experience grows, pediatricians will need to integrate leronlimab into their practice thoughtfully. Key steps in this process include:

Developing Institutional Protocols

  • Collaborating with relevant specialists to create evidence-based guidelines
  • Establishing clear criteria for patient selection and monitoring
  • Implementing systems for tracking outcomes and adverse events

Continuing Education

  • Staying updated on the latest research and clinical trial results
  • Participating in professional development activities focused on novel therapies
  • Engaging in peer-to-peer learning and case discussions

Patient-Centered Care

  • Tailoring treatment plans to individual patient needs and preferences
  • Providing comprehensive support throughout the treatment journey
  • Facilitating connections with patient support groups and resources


Leronlimab represents a promising addition to the therapeutic armamentarium in pediatrics, with potential applications spanning infectious diseases, oncology, and inflammatory conditions. As research progresses and clinical experience grows, pediatricians will play a pivotal role in shaping the integration of this novel agent into clinical practice.

The unique properties of leronlimab, including its targeted mechanism of action and favorable safety profile, make it an attractive option for addressing unmet needs in pediatric medicine. However, careful consideration of the benefits, risks, and uncertainties associated with its use in children is essential.

Moving forward, continued research, vigilant monitoring, and open communication among healthcare providers, patients, and families will be crucial in realizing the full potential of leronlimab in pediatric care. As we navigate this evolving landscape, the ultimate goal remains clear: improving outcomes and quality of life for our youngest patients.

Further Reading

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