Dravet Syndrome (Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy)


Dravet syndrome, also known as severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI), is a rare and severe form of epilepsy that typically presents in the first year of life. This genetic disorder is characterized by frequent, prolonged seizures and developmental delays. As a pediatrician, recognizing the early signs and symptoms of Dravet syndrome is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management.


Dravet syndrome affects approximately 1 in 15,700 to 1 in 40,000 live births. The condition is slightly more common in males than females, with a ratio of about 1.2:1. While Dravet syndrome can occur in any population, it has been reported more frequently in certain regions, such as Japan and Northern Europe.

Genetic Basis

Dravet syndrome is primarily associated with mutations in the SCN1A gene, which encodes the alpha-1 subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.1. Approximately 80-90% of patients with Dravet syndrome have an identifiable SCN1A mutation. These mutations can be:

  • De novo mutations (most common, occurring in about 95% of cases)
  • Inherited mutations (rare, occurring in about 5% of cases)

While SCN1A mutations are the most common genetic cause, other genes have been implicated in Dravet syndrome or Dravet-like phenotypes, including:

  • GABRA1
  • GABRG2
  • SCN1B
  • SCN2A
  • PCDH19 (in females)

Clinical Presentation

Early Seizure Manifestations

The hallmark of Dravet syndrome is the onset of seizures in the first year of life, typically between 4 and 8 months of age. The initial seizures are often characterized by:

  • Prolonged generalized or hemiclonic seizures
  • Association with fever or mild elevation in body temperature
  • Occurrence during or following vaccination (in some cases)

As the condition progresses, other seizure types may emerge, including:

  • Myoclonic seizures
  • Focal seizures
  • Atypical absence seizures
  • Tonic-clonic seizures
  • Tonic seizures (less common)

Developmental Trajectory

Children with Dravet syndrome typically show normal early development. However, as the condition progresses, developmental delays become apparent:

  • Slowing of developmental milestones (usually noticeable after 12-18 months)
  • Cognitive impairment (ranging from mild to severe)
  • Speech and language delays
  • Motor coordination difficulties
  • Behavioral issues (e.g., hyperactivity, attention deficits, autistic-like behaviors)

Associated Features

Dravet syndrome is often accompanied by various comorbidities:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Orthopedic issues (e.g., crouch gait, kyphoscoliosis)
  • Nutritional problems and growth delays
  • Dysautonomia
  • Immunological dysfunction

Diagnostic Approach

Clinical Criteria

The diagnosis of Dravet syndrome is primarily clinical, based on the following features:

  1. Normal development before seizure onset
  2. Onset of seizures in the first year of life
  3. Multiple seizure types, including myoclonic seizures
  4. Prolonged seizures triggered by fever
  5. Developmental delay or regression after seizure onset
  6. Normal early neuroimaging and EEG findings

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is crucial for confirming the diagnosis and guiding management:

  • SCN1A gene sequencing and deletion/duplication analysis
  • Epilepsy gene panel testing (if SCN1A testing is negative)
  • Whole exome sequencing (in select cases)

Electroencephalography (EEG)

EEG findings in Dravet syndrome can be variable and change over time:

  • Early EEGs may be normal or show nonspecific abnormalities
  • As the condition progresses, EEGs typically become abnormal, showing:
    • Generalized spike-wave and polyspike-wave discharges
    • Focal or multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Photosensitivity (in some cases)


Neuroimaging studies are primarily used to exclude other causes of epilepsy:

  • MRI is typically normal in the early stages of Dravet syndrome
  • In some cases, nonspecific abnormalities may be observed, such as:
    • Mild cerebral atrophy
    • Hippocampal sclerosis (in a small percentage of patients)

Differential Diagnosis

Several conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Dravet syndrome:

  • Febrile seizures (simple and complex)
  • Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+)
  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
  • Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome)
  • PCDH19-related epilepsy
  • Epilepsy due to other genetic causes (e.g., SCN2A, KCNQ2 mutations)
  • Metabolic disorders (e.g., glucose transporter type 1 deficiency)

Management Strategies

Pharmacological Interventions

The management of Dravet syndrome is challenging and typically requires a multidrug approach. The choice of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is crucial, as some medications can exacerbate seizures in Dravet syndrome.

First-line Therapies:

  • Valproic acid: Often used as initial therapy, effective for multiple seizure types
  • Clobazam: Useful for various seizure types, including myoclonic seizures
  • Stiripentol: Approved specifically for Dravet syndrome, used in combination with valproic acid and clobazam

Second-line Therapies:

  • Topiramate: Can be effective, especially for generalized tonic-clonic seizures
  • Levetiracetam: May be helpful for myoclonic seizures
  • Fenfluramine: Recently approved for Dravet syndrome, shown to reduce seizure frequency
  • Cannabidiol: FDA-approved for Dravet syndrome, can reduce seizure frequency

Other Options:

  • Bromides: Used in some cases, particularly in Europe
  • Zonisamide: May be beneficial in some patients
  • Ethosuximide: Can be useful for absence seizures

Medications to Avoid:

Certain AEDs can worsen seizures in Dravet syndrome and should be avoided:

  • Sodium channel blockers (e.g., carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin)
  • Vigabatrin
  • Tiagabine

Non-pharmacological Interventions

Ketogenic Diet:

The ketogenic diet has shown efficacy in reducing seizure frequency in Dravet syndrome. Consider implementing under the guidance of a dietitian experienced in managing epilepsy patients.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS):

VNS may be considered in patients who have failed multiple AED trials. While evidence is limited, some patients have shown improvement in seizure control and quality of life.

Emergency Management:

Develop an individualized emergency seizure management plan for each patient, including:

  • Use of rescue medications (e.g., rectal diazepam, buccal midazolam, nasal midazolam)
  • Instructions for when to seek emergency medical care
  • Guidance on managing prolonged seizures and status epilepticus

Supportive Care and Developmental Interventions

A multidisciplinary approach is essential for comprehensive care:

  • Physical therapy: To address motor delays and orthopedic issues
  • Occupational therapy: To improve daily living skills and fine motor function
  • Speech and language therapy: To address communication difficulties
  • Behavioral therapy: To manage behavioral issues and promote social skills
  • Educational support: To provide appropriate academic accommodations and interventions

Prognosis and Long-term Outcomes

The prognosis for individuals with Dravet syndrome is generally poor, but outcomes can vary:

  • Seizures: Often persist into adulthood, but frequency and severity may decrease
  • Cognitive function: Most patients have moderate to severe intellectual disability, but mild cases exist
  • Motor skills: Many patients develop gait abnormalities and coordination difficulties
  • Quality of life: Significantly impacted by seizures, cognitive impairment, and associated comorbidities
  • Life expectancy: Reduced, with an estimated mortality rate of 15-20% by adulthood


Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a significant concern in Dravet syndrome. The estimated lifetime risk of SUDEP is around 15-20%. Factors that may increase SUDEP risk include:

  • Frequent generalized tonic-clonic seizures
  • Nocturnal seizures
  • Poor seizure control
  • Medication non-adherence

Genetic Counseling and Family Planning

Genetic counseling is an essential component of care for families affected by Dravet syndrome:

  • Discuss inheritance patterns and recurrence risk (low in de novo mutations, 50% in inherited cases)
  • Offer prenatal testing options for future pregnancies
  • Address psychosocial aspects of having a child with a chronic, severe condition

Emerging Therapies and Future Directions

Research in Dravet syndrome is ongoing, with several promising avenues:

  • Gene therapy approaches targeting SCN1A
  • Antisense oligonucleotides to modulate SCN1A expression
  • Novel antiepileptic compounds specifically designed for Dravet syndrome
  • Repurposing of existing medications for Dravet syndrome

Clinical Pearls for Pediatricians

  • Maintain a high index of suspicion for Dravet syndrome in infants presenting with prolonged febrile seizures or seizures triggered by vaccination
  • Early genetic testing can facilitate timely diagnosis and appropriate management
  • Avoid sodium channel blocking AEDs, as they can worsen seizures in Dravet syndrome
  • Develop a comprehensive, multidisciplinary care plan addressing seizure management, developmental support, and comorbidities
  • Provide education and support to families regarding the chronic nature of the condition and potential complications
  • Stay informed about emerging therapies and clinical trials that may benefit patients with Dravet syndrome

Further Reading

Dravet Syndrome (Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy)
  1. What is Dravet Syndrome?
    Dravet Syndrome is a severe, genetic epileptic encephalopathy that begins in infancy and is characterized by frequent, prolonged seizures and developmental delays.
  2. What gene is most commonly associated with Dravet Syndrome?
    Mutations in the SCN1A gene, which encodes a sodium channel subunit, are found in approximately 80% of patients with Dravet Syndrome.
  3. At what age do seizures typically begin in Dravet Syndrome?
    Seizures in Dravet Syndrome typically begin within the first year of life, often around 6 months of age.
  4. What is the typical first seizure type in Dravet Syndrome?
    The first seizure in Dravet Syndrome is often a prolonged, hemiclonic or generalized tonic-clonic seizure, frequently associated with fever.
  5. How does the seizure pattern evolve in Dravet Syndrome?
    As the syndrome progresses, patients develop multiple seizure types including myoclonic, focal, and absence seizures, as well as status epilepticus.
  6. What triggers are commonly associated with seizures in Dravet Syndrome?
    Common seizure triggers in Dravet Syndrome include fever, changes in body temperature, visual patterns, and excitement.
  7. How does Dravet Syndrome affect cognitive development?
    Dravet Syndrome typically leads to cognitive impairment, with slowing of development usually evident from the second year of life.
  8. What is the range of intellectual outcomes in Dravet Syndrome?
    The range of intellectual outcomes in Dravet Syndrome varies from mild to severe intellectual disability, with most patients having moderate to severe impairment.
  9. What non-seizure symptoms are common in Dravet Syndrome?
    Common non-seizure symptoms include ataxia, crouch gait, language impairment, behavioral problems, and sleep disturbances.
  10. How is Dravet Syndrome diagnosed?
    Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, EEG findings, and genetic testing for SCN1A mutations.
  11. What are the typical EEG findings in Dravet Syndrome?
    EEG findings in Dravet Syndrome are often normal early on, but later show generalized spike-wave and polyspike-wave discharges, focal and multifocal discharges, and photosensitivity.
  12. What antiepileptic drugs are typically used as first-line treatment for Dravet Syndrome?
    Valproate, clobazam, and stiripentol are often used as first-line treatments for Dravet Syndrome.
  13. Why are sodium channel blockers generally avoided in Dravet Syndrome?
    Sodium channel blockers (e.g., carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine) are generally avoided because they can exacerbate seizures due to the underlying sodium channel dysfunction.
  14. What is the role of the ketogenic diet in treating Dravet Syndrome?
    The ketogenic diet can be an effective adjunctive treatment for Dravet Syndrome, potentially reducing seizure frequency and improving cognition.
  15. What is the prognosis for patients with Dravet Syndrome?
    The prognosis is generally poor, with persistent seizures, cognitive impairment, and increased risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP).
  16. How does fenfluramine work in the treatment of Dravet Syndrome?
    Fenfluramine, approved in 2020, works by modulating serotonin signaling and has shown significant efficacy in reducing seizure frequency in Dravet Syndrome.
  17. What is the role of cannabidiol (CBD) in treating Dravet Syndrome?
    CBD has been shown to be effective in reducing seizure frequency in Dravet Syndrome and is FDA-approved for this indication.
  18. How does Dravet Syndrome affect life expectancy?
    Dravet Syndrome is associated with increased mortality, with a significant risk of SUDEP and status epilepticus.
  19. What precautions should be taken for patients with Dravet Syndrome during illnesses?
    During illnesses, aggressive fever management and close monitoring are crucial to prevent prolonged seizures and status epilepticus.
  20. How does Dravet Syndrome affect motor development?
    Motor development is often affected, with many patients developing ataxia, coordination problems, and sometimes a characteristic crouch gait.
  21. What is the inheritance pattern of Dravet Syndrome?
    Dravet Syndrome is typically an autosomal dominant disorder, often caused by de novo mutations in the SCN1A gene.
  22. How does genetic testing aid in the management of Dravet Syndrome?
    Genetic testing can confirm the diagnosis, guide treatment choices (e.g., avoiding sodium channel blockers), and facilitate genetic counseling.
  23. What is the role of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in Dravet Syndrome?
    VNS can be considered as an adjunctive treatment in Dravet Syndrome, particularly in patients with drug-resistant seizures.
  24. How does Dravet Syndrome affect sleep?
    Sleep disturbances are common in Dravet Syndrome, including insomnia, sleep fragmentation, and sometimes sleep-related seizures.
  25. What behavioral issues are commonly associated with Dravet Syndrome?
    Common behavioral issues include hyperactivity, attention deficits, autistic-like features, and sometimes aggressive behavior.
  26. How does Dravet Syndrome impact families?
    Dravet Syndrome can have significant psychosocial impacts on families, including high caregiving burden, financial stress, and effects on siblings.
  27. What is the importance of rescue medications in Dravet Syndrome?
    Rescue medications (e.g., rectal diazepam, buccal midazolam) are crucial for managing prolonged seizures and preventing status epilepticus at home.
  28. How does photosensitivity manifest in Dravet Syndrome?
    Photosensitivity is common in Dravet Syndrome, with seizures potentially triggered by flashing lights, contrasting patterns, or transitions from dark to light environments.
  29. What is the role of early developmental interventions in Dravet Syndrome?
    Early developmental interventions, including physical, occupational, and speech therapies, are important to maximize developmental potential and manage comorbidities.
  30. How does Dravet Syndrome differ from Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome?
    Dravet Syndrome typically begins earlier, has a known genetic cause (SCN1A mutations), and often includes temperature-sensitive seizures, whereas Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome typically begins later and has characteristic EEG patterns.
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