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Pediatric Electroencephalogram (EEG) App

Introduction to Pediatric EEG

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a crucial diagnostic tool in pediatric neurology. It records the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp. In pediatrics, EEG plays a vital role in diagnosing and managing various neurological conditions, including epilepsy, developmental disorders, and encephalopathies.

Key points:

  • Non-invasive technique for measuring brain activity
  • Particularly useful in pediatrics due to the developing nature of the child's brain
  • Helps in diagnosing and monitoring neurological conditions
  • Requires specialized interpretation due to age-dependent EEG patterns

Indications for Pediatric EEG

EEG is indicated in various pediatric neurological conditions:

  1. Suspected seizures or epilepsy
  2. Evaluation of altered mental status or encephalopathy
  3. Assessment of developmental delays or regression
  4. Diagnosis of sleep disorders
  5. Monitoring of antiepileptic drug efficacy
  6. Evaluation of unexplained behavioral changes
  7. Assessment of brain death

The choice between routine EEG, prolonged EEG monitoring, or video EEG depends on the clinical scenario and the information needed for diagnosis or management.

EEG Procedure in Pediatrics

Performing an EEG in children requires special considerations:

  1. Preparation:
    • Child-friendly environment to reduce anxiety
    • Age-appropriate explanation of the procedure
    • Involvement of parents or caregivers
  2. Electrode Placement:
    • Use of the International 10-20 system, adapted for smaller head sizes
    • Careful application to ensure good contact and comfort
  3. Recording:
    • Standard duration of 20-40 minutes for routine EEG
    • Incorporation of activation procedures (e.g., hyperventilation, photic stimulation)
    • Recording during both wakefulness and sleep when possible
  4. Special Considerations:
    • Use of melatonin or other sleep-inducing methods for sleep-deprived EEGs
    • Prolonged monitoring (24 hours or more) for certain indications
    • Video EEG for correlation of clinical events with EEG findings

Normal EEG Patterns in Pediatrics

Understanding normal EEG patterns is crucial for accurate interpretation. These patterns evolve with age:

  1. Neonatal Period (0-30 days):
    • Discontinuous background activity
    • Trace alternant pattern in quiet sleep
    • Absence of well-defined sleep stages
  2. Infancy (1-12 months):
    • Gradual transition to continuous background activity
    • Emergence of sleep spindles and K-complexes
    • Development of posterior dominant rhythm
  3. Early Childhood (1-5 years):
    • Establishment of posterior dominant rhythm (usually 7-8 Hz)
    • Presence of vertex waves and sleep spindles
    • Occurrence of benign focal epileptiform discharges of childhood
  4. Late Childhood and Adolescence (6-18 years):
    • Maturation of posterior dominant rhythm to adult frequency (8-12 Hz)
    • Well-defined sleep architecture
    • Persistence of some childhood patterns (e.g., posterior slow waves of youth)

Abnormal EEG Findings in Pediatrics

Common abnormal EEG findings in children include:

  1. Epileptiform Discharges:
    • Focal or generalized spikes, sharp waves, or spike-wave complexes
    • Hypsarrhythmia in infantile spasms
    • 3 Hz spike-wave discharges in absence epilepsy
  2. Background Abnormalities:
    • Slowing (focal or generalized)
    • Voltage attenuation
    • Asymmetry
    • Lack of age-appropriate features
  3. Specific Patterns:
    • Burst-suppression in severe encephalopathies
    • Rhythmic delta activity in subcortical lesions
    • Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) in acute focal pathologies
  4. Ictal Patterns:
    • Evolving rhythmic activity
    • Electrodecremental events
    • Epileptic spasms

Interpretation of these findings must always be in the context of the child's age, clinical presentation, and overall health status.

Age-Specific Considerations in Pediatric EEG

EEG interpretation in pediatrics requires understanding of age-specific features:

  1. Neonates:
    • Importance of conceptional age in interpretation
    • Recognition of transient rhythmic discharges
    • Evaluation of background continuity and symmetry
  2. Infants:
    • Assessment of developmental milestones in EEG maturation
    • Recognition of normal sharp transients (e.g., benign sleep transients)
    • Evaluation of awake-sleep differentiation
  3. Toddlers and Preschoolers:
    • Identification of benign focal epileptiform discharges of childhood
    • Assessment of posterior dominant rhythm development
    • Recognition of normal variants (e.g., wicket spikes, 14 and 6 Hz positive bursts)
  4. School-Age Children and Adolescents:
    • Evaluation of fully developed sleep architecture
    • Recognition of activation of certain epileptiform patterns (e.g., during hyperventilation)
    • Assessment of cognitive-related potentials

Challenges and Limitations of Pediatric EEG

Several challenges are unique to pediatric EEG:

  1. Patient Cooperation:
    • Difficulty in keeping young children still during recording
    • Challenges in performing activation procedures in young or non-cooperative patients
  2. Physiological Artifacts:
    • Increased muscle and movement artifacts
    • Sweating artifacts in infants
  3. Interpretation Challenges:
    • Wide range of normal variants that can mimic pathological patterns
    • Rapid evolution of EEG patterns with age
    • Need for age-specific interpretation skills
  4. Technical Considerations:
    • Need for specialized equipment (e.g., smaller electrodes, video EEG setups)
    • Importance of high sampling rates to capture fast activity in infants
  5. Clinical Correlation:
    • Difficulty in correlating EEG findings with subtle clinical events in young children
    • Importance of detailed history and clinical examination

Emerging Technologies in Pediatric EEG

Recent advancements are enhancing the utility of EEG in pediatric practice:

  1. High-Density EEG:
    • Improved spatial resolution for source localization
    • Better detection of focal abnormalities
  2. Ambulatory EEG:
    • Long-term monitoring in home environment
    • Improved capture of infrequent events
  3. Quantitative EEG (qEEG):
    • Automated analysis of EEG data
    • Potential for early detection of neurological disorders
  4. Functional Connectivity Analysis:
    • Assessment of brain network dynamics
    • Insights into developmental disorders and epilepsy
  5. Artificial Intelligence in EEG Interpretation:
    • Machine learning algorithms for automated seizure detection
    • Potential for reducing interpretation time and improving accuracy

These technologies offer promising avenues for enhancing diagnostic accuracy and understanding of pediatric neurological disorders.

EEG Findings in Specific Pediatric Conditions

1. Epilepsy Syndromes

  • Childhood Absence Epilepsy:
    • 3 Hz generalized spike-and-wave discharges
    • Normal background activity
  • Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy:
    • 4-6 Hz generalized polyspike-and-wave discharges
    • Photoparoxysmal response in some cases
  • Benign Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes (BECTS):
    • Centrotemporal spikes, often bilateral but asynchronous
    • Activation during drowsiness and sleep
  • West Syndrome:
    • Hypsarrhythmia: high-amplitude, chaotic background with multifocal spikes
    • Electrodecremental response during spasms
  • Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome:
    • Slow spike-and-wave complexes (<2.5 Hz)
    • Paroxysmal fast activity during sleep
    • Multiple seizure types on ictal recordings

2. Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder:
    • Increased epileptiform discharges (up to 60% of cases)
    • Altered power spectra, particularly in gamma frequency
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
    • Increased theta activity, decreased beta activity
    • Altered theta/beta ratio
  • Rett Syndrome:
    • Loss of normal sleep architecture
    • Multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Characteristic "notched delta squeak" pattern

3. Neonatal and Infant Conditions

  • Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy:
    • Suppressed background activity
    • Burst-suppression pattern in severe cases
    • Seizures (focal or multifocal)
  • Neonatal Seizures:
    • Focal or multifocal sharp waves or spikes
    • Rhythmic delta activity
    • Subtle electrographic seizures without clinical correlate
  • Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy:
    • Burst-suppression pattern
    • Multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Normalization with pyridoxine administration

4. Metabolic and Genetic Disorders

  • GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome:
    • 2.5-4 Hz spike-wave discharges
    • Focal or multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Background slowing that improves with ketogenic diet
  • Angelman Syndrome:
    • High-amplitude 2-3 Hz delta activity, predominantly frontal
    • Spike and slow-wave discharges
    • Characteristic pattern of notched delta waves intermixed with spikes
  • Mitochondrial Disorders:
    • Multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Background slowing
    • Burst-suppression pattern in severe cases

5. Infectious and Inflammatory Conditions

  • Herpes Simplex Encephalitis:
    • Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs)
    • Focal slowing over affected regions (typically temporal)
    • Multifocal or generalized seizures
  • Autoimmune Encephalitis:
    • Extreme delta brush pattern in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
    • Multifocal epileptiform discharges
    • Diffuse background slowing
  • Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE):
    • Periodic high-amplitude slow wave complexes
    • Progressive background disorganization

6. Other Neurological Conditions

  • Childhood Stroke:
    • Focal slowing over affected region
    • Epileptiform discharges in post-stroke epilepsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury:
    • Diffuse or focal slowing
    • Epileptiform discharges in post-traumatic epilepsy
    • Burst-suppression or suppressed background in severe cases
  • Brain Tumors:
    • Focal slowing over tumor location
    • Focal epileptiform discharges
    • Breach rhythm over skull defects post-surgery

Note: EEG findings should always be interpreted in the context of the patient's clinical presentation, age, and overall health status. Some conditions may have overlapping EEG features, and not all patients with a specific condition will demonstrate all the listed EEG abnormalities.

Pediatric CNS Conditions with EEG Findings
Epileptic Encephalopathies
West Syndrome (Infantile Spasms)
Hypsarrhythmia pattern: High-amplitude, irregular, chaotic slow waves with multifocal spikes
Modified hypsarrhythmia variants may occur
Typically presents between 3-12 months; urgent treatment required
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Slow spike-and-wave complexes (< 2.5 Hz)
Paroxysmal fast rhythms during sleep
Background slowing
Usually develops between 3-5 years of age
Dravet Syndrome
Initially normal background
Generalized spike-waves and polyspike-waves
Photosensitivity often present
Associated with SCN1A mutations; onset in first year of life
Neonatal Seizure Disorders
Benign Familial Neonatal Epilepsy
Discontinuous background pattern
Focal sharp waves
Rhythmic alpha/theta bursts
KCNQ2/KCNQ3 mutations; generally good prognosis
Ohtahara Syndrome
Suppression-burst pattern: High-voltage bursts alternating with nearly flat suppression periods
Pattern present in both sleep and waking states
Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy; poor prognosis
Genetic/Metabolic Disorders
GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome
2.5-4 Hz spike-wave discharges
Focal and multifocal epileptiform discharges
Background slowing post-prandially
Responds to ketogenic diet; SLC2A1 gene mutations
Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia
Burst-suppression pattern
Multifocal spikes
Periodic patterns
Often presents in neonatal period; poor prognosis
Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy
High-amplitude rhythmic delta activity
Burst-suppression pattern may occur
Continuous spike-wave activity
Diagnostic trial of pyridoxine may be therapeutic
Autoimmune/Inflammatory Conditions
Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis
Extreme delta brush pattern
Diffuse slowing
Disorganized background
More common in females; may have psychiatric symptoms
Rasmussen Encephalitis
Unilateral slowing and epileptiform discharges
Progressive deterioration of background
Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs)
Progressive unilateral hemisphere dysfunction
Childhood Epilepsy Syndromes
Childhood Absence Epilepsy
3 Hz spike-and-wave discharges
Normal background activity
Hyperventilation typically triggers absences
Peak onset 4-8 years; generally good prognosis
Benign Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes (BECTS)
High-voltage centrotemporal spikes
Normal background activity
Activation during drowsiness and sleep
Self-limited; resolves by adolescence
Structural Brain Disorders
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Asymmetric background activity
Focal slowing over affected hemisphere
Focal epileptiform discharges
Associated with leptomeningeal angiomas
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Hypsarrhythmia may occur in infancy
Background may be normal or show focal slowing
Multiple seizure types may occur
Infectious/Post-infectious Conditions
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs)
Focal temporal slowing
Background disorganization
Requires immediate antiviral treatment
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Periodic high-amplitude complexes (Radermecker complexes)
Progressive background deterioration
Late complication of measles infection
Status Epilepticus Variants
Electrical Status Epilepticus during Sleep (ESES)
Continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep
Spike-wave index >85% during NREM sleep
Associated with cognitive regression
Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES)
Evolution from focal to diffuse slowing
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Status epilepticus patterns
Devastating condition with poor prognosis
Miscellaneous Disorders
Angelman Syndrome
High-amplitude 2-3 Hz rhythmic delta
Spikes/sharp waves
Characteristic pattern of notched delta waves
UBE3A gene mutations/deletions
Rett Syndrome
Loss of normal sleep characteristics
Multifocal spike discharges
Generalized slowing with age
MECP2 mutations; predominantly affects females
Mitochondrial Disorders
MELAS (Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes)
Focal slowing in stroke-like lesions
Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges
Multifocal spike-wave complexes
MT-TL1 gene mutations; progressive course
MERRF (Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged Red Fibers)
Generalized spike-wave and polyspike-wave discharges
Photoparoxysmal response
Progressive background slowing
MT-TK gene mutations; progressive myoclonus
Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndrome
High-amplitude delta with polyspikes
Multifocal spike-wave discharges
Progressive background deterioration
POLG mutations; avoid valproate
SCN2A-Related Disorders
Multiple seizure patterns
Focal and multifocal epileptiform discharges
Background may be normal or show slowing
Age-dependent phenotypes; sodium channel mutation
KCNQ2 Encephalopathy
Burst-suppression pattern
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Background slowing
More severe than benign familial neonatal seizures
Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsies
Lafora Disease
Generalized polyspikes and waves
Progressive background slowing
Occipital seizures with visual symptoms
EPM2A/EPM2B mutations; adolescent onset
Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
Generalized spike-wave and polyspike discharges
Background may show mild slowing
CSTB gene mutations; better prognosis than other PMEs
Neurocutaneous Syndromes
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Usually normal background
Focal epileptiform discharges if tumors present
Sleep architecture may be disturbed
NF1 gene mutations; variable epilepsy risk
Incontinentia Pigmenti
Multifocal spike-wave discharges
Background slowing over affected regions
Possible burst-suppression in severe cases
NEMO gene mutations; predominantly affects females
Chromosomal Disorders
Ring Chromosome 20 Syndrome
Long runs of frontal theta activity
Nocturnal seizure patterns
Prolonged high-amplitude delta waves
Characteristic nocturnal seizures; drug-resistant epilepsy
1p36 Deletion Syndrome
Multifocal spike-wave discharges
Asymmetric background activity
Possible hypsarrhythmia
Most common terminal deletion syndrome
Metabolic Disorders
Gaucher Disease Type 2
Polyspike pattern
Background slowing
Electrodecremental events
GBA gene mutations; severe infantile form
Creatine Deficiency Syndromes
Generalized spike-wave discharges
Multifocal epileptiform abnormalities
Background slowing
Includes GAMT, GATM, and SLC6A8 deficiencies
Malformations of Cortical Development
High-amplitude beta activity
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Background disorganization
Various genetic causes including LIS1, DCX
Focal or multifocal epileptiform discharges
Fast rhythms over affected regions
Variable background changes
Can be focal or diffuse; multiple genetic causes
Ultra-Rare Genetic Epilepsies
CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Ultra-Rare
Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy pattern
Multifocal epileptiform abnormalities
Pseudo-periodic generalized spike-waves
Distinctive delta-brush pattern in early infancy
X-linked; predominantly affects females; treatment-resistant
PCDH19-Related Epilepsy Ultra-Rare
Focal and multifocal sharp waves
Normal background initially
Seizure clusters with focal onset
Variable interictal patterns
Female-specific epilepsy; clustering seizures characteristic
CHD2 Encephalopathy Ultra-Rare
Generalized spike-wave discharges
Marked photosensitivity
Myoclonic-atonic seizure patterns
Background slowing may be progressive
Prominent photosensitivity; myoclonic seizures
Rare Metabolic Epilepsies
Molybdenum Cofactor Deficiency Ultra-Rare
Burst-suppression pattern
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Background discontinuity
Status epilepticus patterns
Neonatal onset; MOCS1/MOCS2/GPHN genes
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Ultra-Rare
Focal temporal sharp waves
Progressive background slowing
Periodic lateralized patterns
Photoparoxysmal responses
CYP27A1 mutations; treatable with chenodeoxycholic acid
Menkes Disease Ultra-Rare
Hypsarrhythmia variants
Multifocal spike discharges
Profound background slowing
Evolution to burst-suppression
ATP7A mutations; copper transport disorder
Rare Developmental Epilepsies
FOXG1 Syndrome Ultra-Rare
High-amplitude fast activity
Multifocal epileptiform abnormalities
Poor organization of sleep patterns
Variable background slowing
Congenital variant of Rett syndrome
DHDDS-Related Epilepsy Ultra-Rare
Generalized spike-wave discharges
Focal epileptiform abnormalities
Progressive background changes
Sleep-activated discharges
Recently described developmental epileptic encephalopathy
Rare Neurodegenerative Epilepsies
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Type 2 Ultra-Rare
Occipital spikes with photic stimulation
Progressive background slowing
Giant visual evoked potentials
Loss of sleep architecture
TPP1 deficiency; enzyme replacement available
Sialidosis Type 1 Ultra-Rare
Polyspike-wave complexes
Progressive background disorganization
Enhanced photoparoxysmal response
Myoclonic seizure patterns
NEU1 mutations; progressive myoclonus
Rare Immune-Mediated Epilepsies
GAD65 Antibody-Associated Epilepsy Ultra-Rare
Temporal lobe epileptiform discharges
Bitemporal independent spikes
Status epilepticus patterns
Variable background changes
Associated with other autoimmune conditions
GABABR Encephalitis Ultra-Rare
Status epilepticus patterns
Diffuse slowing
Multifocal epileptiform discharges
Periodic patterns in severe cases
May be paraneoplastic; status epilepticus common
Complex Structural Epilepsies
Hypothalamic Hamartoma Rare
Normal background activity
Focal epileptiform discharges
Gelastic seizure patterns
Secondary generalization patterns
Characteristic gelastic seizures; surgical options available
Hemihydranencephaly Ultra-Rare
Markedly asymmetric background
Absence of activity over affected hemisphere
Contralateral epileptiform discharges
Reorganized sleep patterns
Extreme variant of hydranencephaly

EEG: Objective Q&A
  1. What is an Electroencephalogram (EEG)?
    An EEG is a non-invasive test that records electrical activity in the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp.
  2. What is the primary use of EEG in pediatrics?
    EEG is primarily used to diagnose and monitor epilepsy and other seizure disorders in children.
  3. How long does a standard EEG recording typically last?
    A standard EEG recording typically lasts 20-30 minutes.
  4. What is the recommended minimum number of electrodes for a standard EEG in children?
    The recommended minimum number of electrodes for a standard EEG in children is 21.
  5. What is the 10-20 system in EEG electrode placement?
    The 10-20 system is an internationally recognized method for standardized placement of EEG electrodes on the scalp.
  6. What is the difference between routine EEG and prolonged EEG monitoring?
    Routine EEG typically lasts 20-30 minutes, while prolonged EEG monitoring can last for hours or days to capture rare events or sleep cycles.
  7. What is the purpose of photic stimulation during an EEG?
    Photic stimulation is used to detect photosensitive epilepsy and abnormal responses to visual stimuli.
  8. What is hyperventilation used for during an EEG?
    Hyperventilation is used to provoke absence seizures and other types of generalized seizures.
  9. At what age can a child typically cooperate for a standard EEG procedure?
    Most children aged 5 and above can usually cooperate for a standard EEG procedure.
  10. What is the primary difference between adult and pediatric EEG patterns?
    Pediatric EEG patterns show more variability and age-dependent changes compared to adult EEG patterns.
  11. What is the significance of sleep deprivation before an EEG?
    Sleep deprivation can increase the likelihood of capturing epileptiform discharges during the EEG recording.
  12. What is the role of video recording during an EEG?
    Video recording helps correlate clinical events with EEG findings, particularly useful for diagnosing epileptic seizures.
  13. What is the typical frequency range of normal EEG activity in children?
    The typical frequency range of normal EEG activity in children is 0.5-70 Hz.
  14. What is a normal background rhythm for a school-age child?
    A normal background rhythm for a school-age child is usually a well-organized posterior dominant rhythm of 8-11 Hz.
  15. What is the significance of focal slowing on a pediatric EEG?
    Focal slowing may indicate an underlying structural lesion or functional disturbance in a specific brain region.
  16. What are rolandic spikes in pediatric EEG?
    Rolandic spikes are benign epileptiform discharges typically seen in children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS).
  17. What is the 3 Hz spike-and-wave pattern associated with in children?
    The 3 Hz spike-and-wave pattern is typically associated with childhood absence epilepsy.
  18. What is the hypsarrhythmia pattern indicative of in infants?
    Hypsarrhythmia is indicative of infantile spasms (West syndrome) in infants.
  19. What is the significance of frontal sharp transients in neonatal EEG?
    Frontal sharp transients are normal findings in neonatal EEG and should not be confused with epileptiform discharges.
  20. What is the typical duration of neonatal sleep-wake cycles on EEG?
    Neonatal sleep-wake cycles typically last about 50-60 minutes.
  21. What is the expected age for the appearance of sleep spindles on EEG?
    Sleep spindles typically appear on EEG between 6-8 weeks of age.
  22. What is the significance of burst-suppression pattern in neonatal EEG?
    Burst-suppression pattern in neonatal EEG often indicates severe brain dysfunction or damage.
  23. What is the role of quantitative EEG (qEEG) in pediatrics?
    Quantitative EEG helps in analyzing long-term recordings, detecting subtle changes, and comparing data to normative databases.
  24. What is the primary advantage of high-density EEG in pediatrics?
    High-density EEG provides better spatial resolution, allowing for more accurate localization of epileptiform activity.
  25. What is the purpose of performing an EEG during febrile seizures?
    EEG during febrile seizures helps differentiate simple from complex febrile seizures and identify potential epilepsy risk.
  26. How does melatonin affect EEG recordings in children?
    Melatonin can enhance sleep EEG features and may increase the yield of epileptiform discharges in sleep-deprived EEGs.
  27. What is the significance of focal spikes in pediatric EEG?
    Focal spikes may indicate a localization-related epilepsy or an underlying focal brain abnormality.
  28. What is the expected frequency of the posterior dominant rhythm in a 12-year-old child?
    The expected frequency of the posterior dominant rhythm in a 12-year-old child is typically 9-10 Hz.
  29. How does the EEG pattern change during a typical absence seizure?
    During a typical absence seizure, the EEG shows generalized 3 Hz spike-and-wave discharges.
  30. What is the role of EEG in the diagnosis of childhood epilepsy syndromes?
    EEG plays a crucial role in identifying specific EEG patterns associated with various childhood epilepsy syndromes, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

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