Yersinia Pestis Infections (Plague) in Children


Yersinia pestis infection, commonly known as plague, is a rare but severe bacterial disease that can affect children. It is caused by the gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis and is primarily a zoonotic infection, with humans being accidental hosts. The disease has played a significant role in human history, causing devastating pandemics such as the Black Death in the 14th century.

In modern times, plague remains a concern in certain parts of the world, with children being particularly vulnerable due to their curious nature and close contact with animals. Understanding the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and management of plague in pediatric populations is crucial for early detection and effective treatment.


Plague is found on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. Endemic foci exist in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In the United States, most human cases occur in the western states.

  • Incidence: Worldwide, there are 1,000 to 3,000 cases reported annually to the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Age Distribution: While plague can affect all age groups, children under 15 years old account for a significant proportion of cases in endemic areas.
  • Transmission: The primary mode of transmission to humans is through the bite of infected fleas. Less commonly, it can be acquired through direct contact with infected animals or inhalation of respiratory droplets from humans or animals with pneumonic plague.
  • Risk Factors in Children:
    • Living in or traveling to endemic areas
    • Close contact with domestic animals that may harbor infected fleas
    • Participation in outdoor activities in areas with infected animal populations
    • Handling of infected animals (e.g., during hunting or skinning)


Yersinia pestis is a highly virulent pathogen that can cause rapid disease progression. The pathophysiology of plague involves several key steps:

  1. Entry: The bacteria typically enter through a flea bite or skin abrasion.
  2. Local Multiplication: Y. pestis multiplies at the site of inoculation.
  3. Lymphatic Spread: Bacteria spread to regional lymph nodes, causing inflammation and swelling (buboes).
  4. Systemic Dissemination: Without treatment, the infection can spread to the bloodstream (septicemic plague) or lungs (pneumonic plague).

Key virulence factors of Y. pestis include:

  • F1 capsular antigen: Inhibits phagocytosis
  • V antigen: Suppresses host immune response
  • Yersinia outer proteins (Yops): Disrupt host cell signaling and induce apoptosis
  • Plasminogen activator (Pla): Promotes dissemination in tissues

Children may be more susceptible to rapid disease progression due to their developing immune systems and higher likelihood of delayed diagnosis.

Clinical Presentation

The clinical presentation of plague in children can vary depending on the form of the disease. The three main forms are:

1. Bubonic Plague (80-90% of cases)

  • Incubation period: 2-6 days
  • Sudden onset of high fever (39-40°C)
  • Severe malaise, headache, and body aches
  • Painful, swollen lymph nodes (buboes), typically in the groin, axilla, or neck
  • Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

2. Septicemic Plague (10-15% of cases)

  • Can be primary or secondary to bubonic plague
  • High fever with chills
  • Extreme weakness and fatigue
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
  • Skin and tissue necrosis, particularly of acral regions

3. Pneumonic Plague (rare, but most severe)

  • Can be primary (inhalation) or secondary to hematogenous spread
  • Rapid onset of high fever and chills
  • Severe respiratory symptoms: cough, chest pain, dyspnea
  • Hemoptysis
  • Rapid progression to respiratory failure and shock

Children may present with non-specific symptoms, making early diagnosis challenging. A high index of suspicion is crucial in endemic areas or with relevant exposure history.


Early and accurate diagnosis of plague is critical for proper management and infection control. Diagnostic approaches include:

1. Clinical Suspicion

  • Based on symptoms, especially the presence of buboes
  • Recent travel to endemic areas or known exposure to infected animals/fleas

2. Laboratory Tests

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): Often shows leukocytosis with left shift
  • Blood Chemistry: May reveal elevated liver enzymes, renal dysfunction
  • Coagulation Studies: To assess for DIC

3. Microbiological Confirmation

  • Gram stain: Gram-negative coccobacilli with bipolar "safety pin" appearance
  • Culture: From blood, bubo aspirate, sputum, or CSF
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Rapid and specific for Y. pestis DNA
  • Serology: Detection of antibodies (less useful in acute diagnosis)

4. Imaging

  • Chest X-ray: To evaluate for pneumonic involvement
  • Ultrasound: May be used to assess and guide aspiration of buboes

Biosafety Level 3 precautions are required for handling specimens suspected of containing Y. pestis. Prompt notification of public health authorities is mandatory upon suspicion or confirmation of plague.


Treatment of plague in children requires a multifaceted approach, including antimicrobial therapy, supportive care, and infection control measures.

1. Antimicrobial Therapy

Early initiation of appropriate antibiotics is crucial. Treatment should not be delayed for laboratory confirmation.

First-line Agents:

  • Streptomycin: 15 mg/kg IM every 12 hours (max 1g per dose)
  • Gentamicin: 2.5 mg/kg IV/IM every 8 hours

Alternative Agents:

  • Doxycycline: 2.2 mg/kg IV/PO every 12 hours (max 100 mg per dose) for children ≥8 years
  • Ciprofloxacin: 15 mg/kg IV/PO every 12 hours (max 400 mg IV or 500 mg PO per dose)
  • Chloramphenicol: 25 mg/kg IV/PO every 6 hours (for meningeal involvement)

Duration: Minimum 10-14 days, or until 2 days after fever resolution and clinical improvement

2. Supportive Care

  • Fluid and electrolyte management
  • Oxygen therapy and respiratory support as needed
  • Management of complications (e.g., DIC, shock)
  • Pain management for buboes

3. Infection Control

  • Strict isolation for patients with pneumonic plague
  • Droplet precautions until 48 hours of effective antibiotic therapy
  • Standard precautions for bubonic plague

4. Management of Close Contacts

  • Prophylaxis with doxycycline or ciprofloxacin for 7 days
  • Active surveillance for 7 days

Pediatric patients with plague require close monitoring and may need intensive care support, especially in cases of septicemic or pneumonic plague.


Preventing plague in children involves a combination of environmental control, personal protective measures, and targeted interventions in endemic areas.

1. Environmental Control

  • Rodent control programs in endemic areas
  • Flea control on pets and in the environment
  • Proper waste management to reduce rodent habitats

2. Personal Protective Measures

  • Use of insect repellents containing DEET
  • Wearing protective clothing in high-risk areas
  • Avoiding contact with sick or dead animals
  • Proper hand hygiene

3. Health Education

  • Teaching children about the risks of handling animals in endemic areas
  • Educating families about early symptoms and when to seek medical care

4. Vaccination

A plague vaccine is not commercially available in most countries. Where available, it may be considered for high-risk groups, including:

  • Laboratory personnel working with Y. pestis
  • Individuals with unavoidable high-risk exposures in endemic areas

5. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis

For children exposed to pneumonic plague or infected fleas:

  • Doxycycline: 2.2 mg/kg PO every 12 hours for 7 days (max 100 mg per dose) for children ≥8 years
  • Ciprofloxacin: 20 mg/kg PO every 12 hours for 7 days (max 500 mg per dose)

Prevention strategies should be tailored to the local epidemiology and resources available in endemic regions.


The prognosis of plague in children depends on several factors, including the form of the disease, timing of diagnosis, and initiation of appropriate treatment.

Factors Affecting Prognosis:

  • Form of plague: Pneumonic plague has the highest mortality rate
  • Time to diagnosis and treatment initiation
  • Presence of complications (e.g., septic shock, DIC)
  • Underlying health conditions of the child
  • Access to intensive care facilities

Mortality Rates:

  • Untreated bubonic plague: 50-60%
  • Untreated pneumonic or septicemic plague: Nearly 100%
  • With prompt and appropriate treatment:
    • Bubonic plague: <5%
    • Septicemic plague: 20-40%
    • Pneumonic plague: 30-60%

Long-term Sequelae:

Children who survive plague may experience:

  • Persistent lymphadenopathy
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Neurological complications (rare)
  • Scarring from necrotic tissue (in severe cases)

Follow-up Care:

  • Regular medical check-ups to monitor for relapse or complications
  • Psychological support for children and families affected by the disease
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment may be necessary in some cases

Early recognition and prompt treatment significantly improve the prognosis for children with plague. Public health measures and education in endemic areas are crucial for preventing outbreaks and reducing mortality.

Objective QnA: Yersinia Pestis Infections (Plague) in Children
  1. Question: What is Yersinia pestis? Answer: Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative bacterium that causes plague, a severe and potentially fatal infectious disease.
  2. Question: What are the primary modes of transmission for Yersinia pestis to children? Answer: The primary modes of transmission are flea bites from infected rodents, direct contact with infected animals, and inhalation of respiratory droplets from infected individuals or animals.
  3. Question: What are the three main clinical forms of plague? Answer: The three main clinical forms of plague are bubonic plague, septicemic plague, and pneumonic plague.
  4. Question: What are the main symptoms of bubonic plague in children? Answer: Main symptoms include sudden onset of high fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and painful, swollen lymph nodes (buboes) typically in the groin, armpit, or neck.
  5. Question: How is Yersinia pestis infection diagnosed in children? Answer: Diagnosis is typically made through blood culture, lymph node aspirate culture, or PCR testing. Serology can also be used to detect antibodies.
  6. Question: What is the incubation period for Yersinia pestis infections? Answer: The incubation period is typically 2-6 days for bubonic plague and 1-3 days for pneumonic plague.
  7. Question: What is the primary treatment for Yersinia pestis infections in children? Answer: The primary treatment is early administration of appropriate antibiotics, along with supportive care.
  8. Question: Which antibiotics are commonly used to treat Yersinia pestis infections in children? Answer: Commonly used antibiotics include streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin.
  9. Question: What is the mortality rate of untreated bubonic plague? Answer: The mortality rate of untreated bubonic plague is approximately 50-60%.
  10. Question: How does pneumonic plague differ from bubonic plague in terms of transmission and severity? Answer: Pneumonic plague is transmitted person-to-person through respiratory droplets, has a shorter incubation period, and is more severe with a higher mortality rate if left untreated.
  11. Question: What is the role of the pPCP1 plasmid in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: The pPCP1 plasmid encodes for the plasminogen activator (Pla) protein, which enhances bacterial dissemination in host tissues.
  12. Question: How does Yersinia pestis evade the host immune system? Answer: Yersinia pestis uses various mechanisms, including the type III secretion system to inject effector proteins that modulate host cell functions and suppress immune responses.
  13. Question: What is the significance of the F1 antigen in Yersinia pestis infections? Answer: The F1 antigen forms a capsule-like structure that protects the bacterium from phagocytosis and is an important target for vaccine development.
  14. Question: How can Yersinia pestis infections be prevented in children? Answer: Prevention includes avoiding contact with potentially infected animals, use of insect repellents, environmental management to reduce rodent populations, and prompt antibiotic prophylaxis for individuals exposed to plague cases.
  15. Question: What is the role of the YopH protein in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: YopH is a protein tyrosine phosphatase that disrupts host cell signaling pathways, inhibiting phagocytosis and suppressing immune responses.
  16. Question: How does temperature affect Yersinia pestis virulence gene expression? Answer: Yersinia pestis expresses different virulence factors at different temperatures, with some genes activated at flea body temperature (26°C) and others at human body temperature (37°C).
  17. Question: What is septicemic plague, and how does it differ from bubonic plague? Answer: Septicemic plague occurs when Yersinia pestis directly enters the bloodstream. It lacks the characteristic buboes of bubonic plague and can progress more rapidly, often leading to septic shock.
  18. Question: What is the significance of the pgm locus in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: The pgm locus encodes for systems involved in iron acquisition and pigmentation, which are crucial for bacterial survival and virulence in the host.
  19. Question: How does Yersinia pestis affect the liver and spleen in infected children? Answer: Yersinia pestis can cause hepatosplenomegaly and form abscesses in the liver and spleen, particularly in septicemic plague.
  20. Question: What is the role of LcrV protein in Yersinia pestis infections? Answer: LcrV is a key component of the type III secretion system and plays a role in immunomodulation, making it an important target for vaccine development.
  21. Question: How does Yersinia pestis survive inside macrophages? Answer: Yersinia pestis can survive and replicate inside macrophages by inhibiting phagolysosome fusion and resisting oxidative stress.
  22. Question: What is the significance of biofilm formation in Yersinia pestis transmission? Answer: Biofilm formation in the flea's proventriculus facilitates bacterial colonization and transmission to mammalian hosts.
  23. Question: How does Yersinia pestis cause disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in severe cases? Answer: Yersinia pestis triggers a massive inflammatory response and activates the coagulation cascade, potentially leading to DIC and multi-organ failure.
  24. Question: What is the role of the Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) in plague pathogenesis? Answer: Yops are effector proteins injected into host cells by the type III secretion system, disrupting cellular functions and immune responses to promote bacterial survival and dissemination.
  25. Question: How does Yersinia pestis affect the nervous system in children? Answer: In rare cases, Yersinia pestis can cause meningitis or encephalitis, leading to neurological symptoms such as seizures, altered mental status, or focal neurological deficits.
  26. Question: What is the significance of the pMT1 plasmid in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: The pMT1 plasmid encodes for the murine toxin and F1 capsular antigen, both of which contribute to bacterial virulence and survival in the host.
  27. Question: How does Yersinia pestis infection affect children with sickle cell disease? Answer: Children with sickle cell disease may be at increased risk of severe Yersinia pestis infections due to functional asplenia and impaired immune function.
  28. Question: What is the role of quorum sensing in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: Quorum sensing allows Yersinia pestis to coordinate gene expression based on population density, regulating virulence factor production and biofilm formation.
  29. Question: How does Yersinia pestis adapt to the different environments of the flea vector and mammalian host? Answer: Yersinia pestis uses temperature-dependent gene regulation to express different sets of genes in the flea (26°C) and the mammalian host (37°C), allowing it to adapt to these distinct environments.
  30. Question: What is the significance of the Pla protease in Yersinia pestis virulence? Answer: The Pla protease enhances bacterial dissemination by degrading fibrin clots and extracellular matrix components, facilitating the spread of bacteria through tissues.


The notes provided on Pediatime are generated from online resources and AI sources and have been carefully checked for accuracy. However, these notes are not intended to replace standard textbooks. They are designed to serve as a quick review and revision tool for medical students and professionals, and to aid in theory exam preparation. For comprehensive learning, please refer to recommended textbooks and guidelines.

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