Respiratory Distress in Pediatric Age

Respiratory Distress and Failure in Pediatric Age


Respiratory distress and failure represent a spectrum of clinical conditions that can rapidly progress to cardiopulmonary arrest if not promptly recognized and managed. In children, respiratory issues are the most common cause of cardiac arrest, underscoring the importance of early intervention. The unique anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the pediatric respiratory system necessitate age-specific approaches to assessment and treatment.


  • Respiratory Distress: A clinical state characterized by increased work of breathing, with the patient able to compensate and maintain adequate oxygenation and ventilation.
  • Respiratory Failure: Inability to maintain adequate gas exchange, resulting in hypoxemia (PaO₂ <60 mmHg) and/or hypercarbia (PaCO₂ >50 mmHg). Can be classified as:
    • Type I (Hypoxemic): Characterized primarily by hypoxemia
    • Type II (Hypercapnic): Characterized by hypercarbia, with or without hypoxemia
    • Type III (Perioperative): Due to atelectasis from hypoventilation during anesthesia
    • Type IV (Shock): Associated with hypoperfusion in septic or hypovolemic shock

Pediatric Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology

Several factors make children, especially infants, more susceptible to respiratory compromise:

  • Airways:
    • Proportionately narrower lumens; resistance increases exponentially with decreased radius (Poiseuille's law)
    • Softer cartilaginous support, more compliant chest wall, leading to easier collapse
    • Proportionately larger tongue, superior larynx (C3-C4 vs. C5-C6 in adults)
    • Funnel-shaped larynx with narrowest point at cricoid (vs. vocal cords in adults)
  • Chest Wall and Diaphragm:
    • More compliant chest wall provides less recoil for passive exhalation
    • Diaphragm prone to fatigue; principal muscle of respiration
    • Horizontal rib orientation less effective for expanding chest volume
  • Respiratory Dynamics:
    • Higher metabolic rate and oxygen consumption
    • Lower functional residual capacity (FRC); desaturate more quickly
    • Higher closing capacity relative to FRC; prone to atelectasis


Causes of pediatric respiratory distress/failure can be categorized by anatomic location:

Upper Airway

  • Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis)
  • Epiglottitis (rare since Hib vaccine)
  • Bacterial tracheitis
  • Angioedema, anaphylaxis
  • Foreign body aspiration
  • Peritonsillar/retropharyngeal abscess

Lower Airway

  • Asthma
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Pneumonia (viral, bacterial, aspiration)
  • Foreign body in bronchus


  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
  • Pulmonary edema (cardiogenic, non-cardiogenic)
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage


  • Neurologic/Neuromuscular: Central hypoventilation, spinal cord injury, Guillain-Barré syndrome, botulism
  • Chest Wall: Flail chest, pneumothorax
  • Abdominal: Diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal compartment syndrome
  • Metabolic: Diabetic ketoacidosis, inborn errors of metabolism
  • Toxicologic: Opioid overdose, organophosphate poisoning

Clinical Assessment


Key elements include:

  • Onset and progression of symptoms
  • Associated symptoms: fever, cough, stridor, wheezing
  • Recent illnesses, exposures, vaccinations
  • Past medical history: prematurity, asthma, congenital anomalies
  • Response to any pre-hospital interventions

Physical Examination

The Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) provides a rapid, global assessment:

  • Appearance: Tone, interactiveness, consolability, look/gaze
  • Work of Breathing: Abnormal airway sounds, retractions, flaring, positioning
  • Circulation to Skin: Pallor, mottling, cyanosis

Detailed examination should note:

  • Vital Signs: Tachypnea often the earliest sign; heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation
  • Mental Status: Agitation may indicate hypoxemia; lethargy suggests hypercapnia or fatigue
  • Airway Sounds:
    • Stridor: Upper airway obstruction; inspiratory (extrathoracic), expiratory (intrathoracic), biphasic (fixed)
    • Wheezing: Lower airway obstruction; differentiates from stertor (snoring), snoring (nasopharyngeal)
    • Grunting: Attempt to provide auto-PEEP; ominous in infants
  • Retractions: Suprasternal, intercostal, subcostal; degree correlates with severity
  • Nasal Flaring: Attempts to decrease airway resistance
  • Head Bobbing: Accessory muscle use in infants
  • Lung Auscultation: Air entry, breath sound quality, adventitious sounds
  • Perfusion: Capillary refill, peripheral pulses, liver edge (right heart failure)

Diagnostic Studies

  • Pulse Oximetry: Continuous, non-invasive; may be less reliable in poor perfusion, motion artifact
  • Capnography: End-tidal CO₂ monitoring; useful for intubated patients, can indicate hypoventilation earlier than SpO₂
  • Blood Gas Analysis:
    • Arterial: Gold standard for gas exchange; pH, PaO₂, PaCO₂, HCO₃⁻, base excess
    • Venous/Capillary: Adequate for pH, PvCO₂; PvO₂ not reliable
  • Chest Radiograph: Evaluate for pneumonia, atelectasis, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema
  • Laboratory: CBC, electrolytes, glucose, blood culture if sepsis suspected
  • ECG/Echocardiography: If cardiac etiology considered


Initial Stabilization (ABCs)

  • Airway:
    • Position: Sniffing position (infants), head tilt-chin lift, jaw thrust if trauma
    • Suctioning: Bulb for infants, Yankauer for copious secretions
    • Adjuncts: Nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal airways if no gag reflex
  • Breathing:
    • Oxygen: Titrate to SpO₂ 94-98% (90-94% if risk of hyperoxic injury)
    • Non-invasive support: High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), CPAP, BiPAP
  • Circulation:
    • Vascular access: IO if immediate need and no IV
    • Fluid resuscitation for signs of shock

Respiratory Support

Non-invasive Ventilation (NIV):

  • HFNC: Up to 50-60 LPM flow, provides some PEEP, decreases work of breathing
  • CPAP: 5-10 cmH₂O; improves FRC, reduces atelectasis
  • BiPAP: Added inspiratory pressure support; useful in neuromuscular disease, obstructive lung disease

Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: Indications include:

  • Apnea or impending respiratory arrest
  • Refractory hypoxemia (PaO₂ <60 mmHg on FiO₂ >0.6) or hypercarbia (PaCO₂ >50 with pH <7.25)
  • Inability to protect airway (GCS ≤8)
  • Hemodynamic instability

Initial settings:

  • Mode: Usually start with synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) or assist-control (AC)
  • Rate: Varies by age; often start near physiologic rate
  • Tidal Volume: 6-8 mL/kg ideal body weight (lower if lung injury)
  • PEEP: 5 cmH₂O, titrate up for hypoxemia
  • FiO₂: Start 100%, wean to minimum needed for target SpO₂


Targeted to underlying etiology:

  • Bronchodilators: β₂-agonists (albuterol), anticholinergics (ipratropium) for bronchospasm
  • Corticosteroids: For laryngeal edema (e.g., croup), reactive airway disease exacerbations
  • Epinephrine: Nebulized for croup, IM for anaphylaxis, IV for shock
  • Magnesium Sulfate: IV for severe asthma; bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory
  • Antibiotics: For bacterial pneumonia, sepsis
  • Antivirals: Oseltamivir for influenza if <48 hours symptomatic
  • Surfactant: Consider in neonates/infants with ARDS, meconium aspiration

Adjunctive Therapies

  • Heliox: 70:30 helium:oxygen mixture; reduces airflow resistance in upper airway obstruction
  • Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO): Pulmonary vasodilator; may improve V/Q matching in ARDS
  • Prone positioning: Improves V/Q matching, recruitability in ARDS
  • ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation): Rescue therapy for refractory hypoxemia despite maximal ventilatory support

Disease-Specific Considerations

Status Asthmaticus

  • Continuous or intermittent nebulized β₂-agonists ± ipratropium
  • Systemic corticosteroids (prednisone, methylprednisolone)
  • Consider IV magnesium sulfate, terbutaline, aminophylline
  • Avoid routine use of antibiotics unless clear infection
  • Intubation if needed; caution for air-trapping, dynamic hyperinflation


  • Supportive care: hydration, oxygen, suctioning
  • Trial of nebulized hypertonic saline
  • Most guidelines recommend against routine bronchodilators, corticosteroids
  • High-flow nasal cannula may reduce intubation rates


  • Mild: Optional dexamethasone (0.15-0.6 mg/kg)
  • Moderate-Severe: Dexamethasone + nebulized epinephrine (0.5 mL of 2.25% solution)
  • Humidified air/oxygen controversial; avoid upsetting child
  • Monitor for post-treatment rebound; may need multiple epinephrine doses

Monitoring and Complications

Ongoing Assessment:

  • Continuous cardiorespiratory and SpO₂ monitoring
  • Serial blood gases (initially q2-4h, then as needed)
  • Daily chest radiographs if intubated
  • Assess for vent asynchrony, auto-PEEP
  • Titrate respiratory support to maintain pH >7.25, PaO₂ >60, SpO₂ >88%

Potential Complications:

  • Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP): Use VAP bundle (head-of-bed elevation, oral care, subglottic suctioning)
  • Barotrauma: Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum; minimize peak inspiratory pressures
  • Volutrauma: Alveolar overdistension; use lung-protective strategies (low tidal volumes)
  • Atelectrauma: Repetitive alveolar collapse; adequate PEEP
  • Oxygen Toxicity: Especially in neonates; target minimum FiO₂ for adequate oxygenation
  • Post-extubation Stridor: Consider dexamethasone pre-extubation if high-risk (prolonged intubation, multiple attempts, large tube)
  • Sedation-related: Delirium, withdrawal, ventilator asynchrony; use validated sedation scales, daily interruption when possible

Special Populations


  • Unique pathologies: respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), meconium aspiration, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)
  • More prone to apnea, especially if premature
  • Consider caffeine for apnea of prematurity
  • Exogenous surfactant often beneficial
  • Vulnerability to hyperoxic injury; target SpO₂ 90-95% in preterm infants

Congenital Heart Disease

  • May present with respiratory distress from pulmonary overcirculation or edema
  • Cyanotic lesions may have baseline hypoxemia; know acceptable SpO₂ range
  • "Tet spells" in Tetralogy of Fallot: knees-to-chest position, morphine, phenylephrine
  • Caution with positive pressure ventilation in lesions with pulmonary hypertension or single-ventricle physiology

Neuromuscular Disease

  • Often develop hypercapnic respiratory failure due to muscle weakness
  • May need lower threshold for non-invasive support (e.g., nocturnal BiPAP)
  • Aggressive pulmonary toilet, assisted cough techniques
  • Consider tracheostomy for chronic ventilation

Weaning and Extubation

Prerequisites for extubation readiness:

  • Resolution or improvement of underlying cause
  • Adequate oxygenation: FiO₂ ≤0.5, PEEP ≤5-7 cmH₂O
  • Adequate ventilation: Low ventilatory requirements, normal PaCO₂ (or baseline)
  • Hemodynamic stability, no significant electrolyte disturbances
  • Able to protect airway: Adequate cough, gag reflex, manageable secretions
  • Successful spontaneous breathing trial (SBT): 30-120 minutes on minimal support (PS 5-8, CPAP, or T-piece)

Extubation Procedure:

  • Pre-oxygenate with 100% FiO₂
  • Suction airway, consider cuff leak test
  • Administer post-extubation corticosteroid if high-risk for stridor
  • After extubation, provide supplemental oxygen, monitor closely
  • Consider prophylactic NIV in high-risk patients

Ethical and End-of-Life Considerations

  • Establish goals of care early, especially for children with life-limiting conditions
  • Involve palliative care for symptom management, family support
  • Consider quality of life, projected outcomes when discussing chronic ventilation
  • Allow for care conferences with family, subspecialists, ethics committee if needed
  • Respect do-not-intubate (DNI) orders; offer alternative comfort measures
  • Provide compassionate extubation when appropriate, with adequate anticipatory symptom management

Prevention and Follow-up

  • Immunizations: Particularly influenza, pneumococcus, Hib, pertussis
  • Tobacco Exposure: Counsel caregivers on smoking cessation, avoid secondhand smoke
  • Asthma Management: Asthma action plans, controller medications, trigger avoidance
  • Technology-dependent Children: Ensure home equipment (oxygen, suction, monitors), caregiver training
  • Post-discharge Follow-up: Primary care, pulmonology, neurodevelopmental screening after critical illness

Further Reading

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